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Showing posts from November 25, 2007


A few things have changed. I removed the signatures for now. I did not like having to update them and when I'm at work the html doesn't work. Also I have added a labels section that should allow people to navigate easily so they can skip my posts and just read Beowulfa's. Me and PrettyOrc were discussing the blog and where I want it to go and we decided that she is going to try and be more involved and I am going to try and not just post junk, but actually think out my posts in advance. There will be three different types of topics we will be writing hopefully. Blue will be a story or story-like post that should be completely in character. I am going to try and write one a week. Pink will be Beowulfa and she is going to try and post a few times a week. Black will be myself and will have updates, thoughts and any random linkage I may have. Green as always will be edits or comments to whatever we are writing. There is nothing wrong with random posts. TJ does this an...

Introducing an alt.

What is it that makes you who you are? Is it your name? My name is Zujoo. Does this make me a troll? Or maybe an Imp? Is it your clothing? I wear light cloth as leather smells like dead animals and mail and plate are just too bulky. Does this make me a fancy city person? Or a mage? Perhaps it is your attitude? I'm shy, fractured, frantic and easily distracted. I like helping others and giving away money. Am I a cloistered monk? Or maybe a librarian. Maybe it is your weapon... A nice shiny dagger for me. Perfect for eating apples and whittling. Also for cutting fishing lines and poles and gutting fish. Am I a sailor? Or a barefoot boy on the beach? Your job can also define you. I'm studying to be a tailor. I plan to make a living selling enchanted shirts and hats. But this is not who I am. I am Zujoo. I am the quiet shadow under the tree. I am the sound the stars make as they go out. I am the dark rock at the bottom of the pool. ... I am Zujoo. I am an Orc. And I am a warlock.

Too distracted to think of a real post and sides hers was better.

Another couple. This one is blue . Nice clear guide for newbie warlocks, and a nice site . That is all. ..... This ! Muhahah! I have plans my dear Beowulfa plans! And in other news someone is cool. I want dem hats. And the final time I link her today. If you haven't figured out I like this site then yer worse off than a drunk dwarf: With no further ado: Another Hunter who does PvP and some of her thoughts on Arathi Basin . More PvP goodness and guides . I'm feeling researchy. Also I was allowed to make an alt to fiddle with a bit. Maybe this will make Dammerung a bit less boring(atm he is). Maybe this will be my new main. Dunno.

Warsong Gulch

For the very first time ever I played in the battlegrounds. Why did I wait, you might ask? Because I was told hunters didn't do very well. I won't say who told me that. Anyway, it was awesome fun. The Horde lost each time but I experienced the joy killing enemy players brings. I garnered more kills and honor points than orcish hubby who has done battlegrounds before. I very neatly placed my freezing traps and once or twice prevented an Alli from escaping with my flag. The little warlocks and rogues were horrible. I'd kill the warlock and then seconds later find myself in the graveyard. I neglected to notice all the leaches they had put on me. And the rogues! I'd put on hidden tracking and Hunter's Mark them but they still managed to stun me and then dance around in glee as they slowly stabbed me to death. Once though I won that dance (granted the rogue was almost dead and wasn't trying very hard to kill me but rather get away). The other cla...

Some late afternoon thoughts as I already have my work done for the day.

I really really want to party. I really do. I stare at holy priest and feral bear tank druid and drool. Dps can eat dirt... I want to be known and appreciated and loved for my awesomeness at keeping you alive so that you can hurt things. But PUGing scares me bad. What if I join a party and I run into one of those guys on Barrens chat? What if I join and I'm partying with a swear-o-holic? What if I join and I'm partying with a poor newbie who is wearing gear 20 levels below them? /shiver. All of this will -easily- be solved in about 5 years when my darling orclette can sleep by herself while mommy and daddy trot off to do .(Yeah we can get a sitter but orclette cries the ENTIRE time we're gone and we are wimpy people who can't stand that, so it only happens really rarely)[also we only have one family we know well enough to let them watch our child]. But in the mean time I'm torn between the desire to get to 70 as quickly as possible(this means not starting ov...

Late night PVP thoughts.

It is funny sometimes how off balance the lower level battle grounds can be. 10 alliance level 29's vs 10 horde average level.........25. Myself being the 2nd highest in our group. I led in honor kills and healing on my 2nd win. I led in damage and healing and was second in kills in my last game(my 4th loss and 6th game total). Generally I follow Goeben's advice( I think it was goeben). I find someone level 29ish who looks well geared and I follow them around. If they attack. I attack. If they play D, I set up totems and get ready to do my best to slow down enemy flagthiefs. With regards to abilities: Ice shock is my best weapon. Purge comes into play when I'm with a good group(2-3) of players that work as a team. Any time I run past a group of alliance I drop -some- sort of fire totem. Lightning shield is always up and I use icebrand on my weapon. The slowing affect is more valuable then the damage. I heal any and every person I see who has less than 70% h...

Some more fun.

Went over to TJ's place. Found out she hadn't posted anything new yet(slacker). Followed her links to here: Figured I'd throw it out there but you guys probably read her already. I'm always the late one to the party. This was particularly valid.

Can't cause mental damage if it doesn't land. Lynda has a little function on her blog that counts hit thingies. I want one of these. This-a-way I can say "oh no my blog is not getting enough hits! I should stop being enhancement and respec restoration for the +3% to hit!" I want to keep my BDPS up to proper levels. Thisway I might get invited on an epic blograid or something like that. I'm sure they have epic blograids.

For love.

Dear Beowulfa, I was looking for a place for us to live and I think I have found one. In Ashenvale near the Western River, South of Raynewood Retreat is a quiet little hollow just off the road. The trees and a ridge help keep it lightly traveled and give it a secluded feel. The river is nearby for me to go fishing and in our front yard are plenty of bears for Susan to eat. The cave is small but we can expand it into the hill with little effort. There is a loud walking elf tree that looks to be about 35 seasons old that wanders nearby but I have never seen him enter the hollow. Also being near the road means it is just a quick jaunt east to Splintertree and a bat post. And for those times when we just want to be by ourselves we can walk to a moonpool just NW of Raynewood. There is an annoying little deerlady there but she is easily removed and then we can sit in the moonpool and throw bearbones for Susan to fetch. Orclette will love the place. Its quiet and calm unlike the noisy Barrens...

Long because I don't know how to cut it short like BBB does.

Susan is ownage . Seriously. That big ugly raptorchick just rips the mobs right off of me. No matter how desperately dpsing I am. Beowulfa whines about me charging forwards but.. She's a hunter...these mobs are only 3 levels higher than us. This is -easy- talk. Sides like I said: Susan can rip any mob off of me if she has any time at all . PrettyOrc done good when she picked that one out of the raptor litter. When duoing I'm pretty frantic. I look right, run left agro this, blast that and generally have NO FREAKIN CLUE where/what/who I am. Beowulfa hates following me around in areas. Now part of this is because when you are not in an instance or in a dungeon the mobs are all scattered about and its hard to decide which way you are going to go. I'll try to give a brief list of my -plans- not what I do...but what I plan to do: 1) Heal anyone who has a health bar like this: #####__________________ 2) Try to remember to throw up totems somewhere... Ooo an Iron deposit...

My pet is never allowed to tank

So little orclette fell asleep early last night and I decided to get on and perhaps finish a few quests. Lo and behold I ran into my orcish hubby in the Charred Vale and we decided to party. /sigh. We come to the first raging inferno-type thing that is just waiting to devour us and Dammy rushes in. I sent my pet in and fired a few shots but felt somewhat ineffectual. I guess it was heroic of my hubby to want to rush in and destroy the monster for me, you know, man-hero type-stuff but I can handle monsters. Been doin' it my whole life. It's what I signed up for. But that's pretty much how it went the entire night. Granted, when we are up against higher lvl mobs he does tend to sit back a bit more and let me and my pet (Susan :) do our thing. Which we do pretty well, might I add. I AM BEAST MASTER. So asking for a BRK mug for me and a BRK one-piece for my little orclette for Christmas. I am shamelessly advertising. If you are wondering what I am talking about g...

Mmmmm....Pecan Pie.... its like fishing instead of RP

I halfway like Pumpkin pie but otherwise Eggo is dead on. So if the gekko is one * and the baby is two * and the demonic ponytail is three *** does that make her a gekko baby ? BRK 's story made me laugh. It also brought back memories for my Dad, 18 years in the Air Force. Yay for Dads. Mine rocks. Even if he makes Orclette hard to find by purchasing pink and cammo outfits for her over and over again in the hopes that she'll takeup bow(or any other)hunting when she grows up. I love fishing. I had a long discussion with Moonsongdown that went something like this: Me: "No seriously I need an alt because Dammerung hates xping" MSD: "Blah blah blah roleplaying I don't care about you roleplaying" Me: "I'm not roleplaying... if I log in as Dammer then I'm fishing. Thats what I want to do thats what I will do. Fish. A lot. I got seriously annoyed at that rogue the other night. Not because he attacked me....but because he interupted my fishing...

Faster leveling

Woo! In about 2-3 hours of playing I progressed from lvl 25 to 27. All I did was farm (or is it grind?) about a bit and turn in a few quests. I love whatever Blizzard did to facilitate leveling. I'm currently doing the "I have money dance." I know it is probably a paltry amount but it's the most I've ever had. This is due to loving orc hubby handing over all he makes/finds. Puts a new spin on "what's yours is mine, and what's mine is mine." But hunky orc hubby is too easily distracted by shinies so gold is much safer in my hands. I've decided that were my little orclette to be a character in game her name would be "Ravening Munchkin." She is a fine specimen, top of her class in length and weight. Had to go through all her little clothes to weed out the too-small outfits and was left with precious little. Props to her though for sleeping away the day yesterday thus enabling me to play and level the aforementioned times. I...

Another short but sweet post

Shamadin! Fun blog I've read once but figured I'd link to because that once was fun. Not sure if two different people are posting here but there are deffinitly two characters. A shaman and a paladin. Yay! Actually I think it is two different people but /shrug you know? 3 minutes left at work then a flurry of shopping, babywatching, eating and general daddy/husbanding. I posted in a comment on MBB 's site that I would deffinitly roll a priest next but warlock orc makes me curious today. Curse my vacilitating state. Clarifying: when I make an alt after me and PrettyOrc get to level 50+.... This may never happen... 4:55pm about to get off kindof thinking you know. mfd.


Woo! Thanks to Kaliope I found out about El . Which let me know where I could find Raw Sagefish. I'm a very very happy orc. As soon as I get off work, and eat dinner, and hold orclette while PrettyOrc plays then I'm gonna rush my green butt over there----> to that lake and get me some sagefish. Something I came across when reading El's site: Server Time. How do you tell what time it is server time? is this the time that shows up on the little sun/moon just ne of your minimap?

Ding 25!

I finally caught up with Beowulfa. Mostly because the Quillboar Warfrenzies were nice to her(shield dropped on about the 5th one). I had to kill 31 of the ungrateful wretches. I got expert cooking and am now in bootybay. Once I find that book I'll be good to go. I wish firefin sold faster. I have 3 stacks of the stuff and am almost tempted to bottom out the market just for kicks. OH I just remembered... I'm here fishing on this lakeside. Minding my own business tucked into the corner near a mountain. Because I'm level 24 the local level 18-20 mobs are mostly minding their own business as long as I don't get too close. Anyways the sun is reflecting nicely off the water and I'm finishing up my second stack of firefin when suddenly I'm no longer fishing and I'm taking damage. Startled I look around a see nothing(1=2 seconds of damage hitting me). About this time I notice the rogue sitting right behind me kicking and biting and scratching. I b...

A worn beaten journal

Or some such.... I was fishing around a pile of debri debrie debries?... a pile of boxes and junk that was floating in the water. Anyways I found this journal and DING learned fish tracking. This has sped up my fishing by a lot.... its so much easier to run straight towards the oil slick or debry. Also I know now that I need to go to booty bay and purchase a book for expert fishing. And I'm thinking I was told Vulan(spellling)? in Dustwallow Marsh? was the horde cooking expert book seller. Yay for firefin and watersealed chests. I got 11 wool bolts, 9 silk bolts, 8 heavy leather, 12 medium leather, 20 firefin, 3.5 silver, and 3 greens in about 15-20 min fishing. To me this is a lot. Fishing 149, Cooking 140+ TJ why would I want to make an 'even' trade with alliance. I want to screw them over. They get Shatner. We get TJ. Heck.... we should also get that BoP druid you have... Fio? I think his name is. We need more puns.