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Showing posts from March 14, 2010

Does this sound at all interesting?

Because I'm not sure myself: The ground opened in the year 135. A few of the bugs spewed forth in the middle of one of our larger cities. Black and scaly. They emitted darkness. A brief encounter with our average populace lead to an encounter with the police... which turned violent. The bugs retreated back underground... taking with them a woman and her child. The city's SWAT team went to the rescue. They brought back the civilians; but left three of their own behind dead. They had stumbled into the first nest. The Army was called up. They entered into the tunnels(already nicknamed the devil's sewers ). It was dark dark in there. Damp wet tunnels about 5-10 meters wide. The Army brought light and flame. They found a HUGE nest at least 10 miles by 10 miles by 5 miles. There was a fight, you could almost call it a battle. Millions of bugs vs thousands of troops. No heavy bombs... the nest was directly beneath a city. So everything had to be small. Fire bombs...


This is my math notes. I've largely failed to finish any side project I've every started on. Ever. I'm really easily distracted after about two weeks. I'd prefer to be more focused I really really would. Capn John: My Dammerung was named after the ship :P. I think that is awesome that you were chatting with someone about that. I liked it because of the long namishness. This is what I'm thinking about naming my next toon: Ehrfürchtiger Schicksalwolf des glänzenden Flitters This comes from: English Babel: Awesome doom wolf of shiny baubles. German Babel: Ehrfürchtiger Schicksalwolf des glänzenden Flitters. English Babel: Ehrfürchtiger fate wolf of the shining Flitters. Anyways: Anna has a lovely post up. It matches a lot of my experiances with pugs. And with regards to WoW. My playtimes suffer from RTW, midterms, and guard drill. I'm not even sure I want to relieve them of their suffering. WoW is fun yes but meh. The stories in it never fully captured...

The creative bug strikes

Every once in a while I get the urge to create something. Twice now this has resulted in children; it has also resulted in some relatively nice works of art throughout the years. A few days ago I had the urge to write a poem about my orange shoe. I am rather pleased with it. And then I had the bright idea to try my hand at writing haikus. Why haiku? who knows. Maybe the challenge of evoking an image/idea/etc. with only a few words? Maybe because it's format is really easy to remember? At any rate, I whipped out a few haikus this weekend. I ran into the problem of audience comprehension-I thought my haikus made perfect sense but Damm and others had to ask me for the meaning. I also did a bit of research on the haiku to make sure I was doing it right and found out I wasn't. Although there is no general consensus on how to write a haiku in a foreign language (i.e. not in Japanese) typically you should follow the 5/7/5 syllable rule. In addition it is traditional to use nature to l...