Okay so I'm quoting wikipedia which is always scary but with regards to the myrmidons it says: "Their eponymous ancestor was Myrmidon, a king of Phthiotis who was a son of Zeus and "wide-ruling" Eurymedousa , a princess of Phthiotis . She was seduced by him in the form of an ant." "She was seduced by him in the form of an ant." How does this happen? My brother came up with a theory: 1) Zeus and Thor are hanging out in a bar. 2) They both get smashed. Really really smashed. 3) Thor brags that he nailed this princess after killing a dragon or some such. 4) Zeus says "Dood thatsh nothing I've nailed plenty of princeshshesh." 5) Thor tells him he's just making things up and bragging. 6) Zeus says "NO really I have! Tonsh of timesh!" 7) Thor says prove it, and points out Eury's daughter. 8) Zeus says "That would be too eashy" 9) Thor says Zeus is just being a wimp and tells him to put his money where his mouth is...
Two of we, plus three of ours, makes five of us.