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Showing posts from November 8, 2009

Yay for healing again.

So my account is now active once more. People can see my armory page again. I played one EotS game. I was top on healing. We lost despite being up by more than 100 points for the vast duration of the game.... I was too busy healing to really know what went wrong. I'm sure that once I get used to the game again I'll be able to do more than just wander around and heal heal heal. As for healing I'm going to have to adjust my buttons a bit. I have all my keybindings so that at least 15 if not more of my spells are simply a button press for my left hand. Shift/ctrl add to that number. However the choices of spells for those keys are NOT optimaized and that will simply take a few more battlegrounds. For example I had completely not used lifebloom because it wasn't keybound at all just sitting in my spellbook. Same with swiftmend?(the spell that burns the duration of regrowth and other hots to instantly heal someone). Getting xp for the battleground was a dream come tr...

Lazy blogger.

I feel kinda sick still and am tired from sitting at the airport ALL DAY yesterday. BUT I'M SO HAPPY TO BE HOME YOU JUST DON'T KNOW. WULFA IS SO AMAZINGLY GORGIOUS AND ORCLETTE IS CUTE LIKE CRAZY AND TALKS SO MUCH AND MINIORC IS FAT AND CUTE AND HAS A SMILE OF AWESOME. Anyways this post is about my utter fail at redesign of blog. I was going to actually come up with colors that matched and swirly design things and stuff like that. Instead. Well you have the blue. I hate the blue but am not going to try and fix it on this computer so it will wait until Wulfa gives me back the laptop. Which is never. But that is okay because we are GOING ON A DATE tonight. Yeah we really are. I'm excited and stuff. Uhm thats all.

I did not just say that.

(Orclette. Or Elflette since we are now Alliance): "Mama I need salad." (Me): "I don't think you'll eat it so I'm not going to give you any." (After a moment's thought by me): "You know what? I'll give you vegetables. Since you're actually asking for them." And of course she eats it. I'm having guilt thoughts that I almost deprived my child of nutrients. It's hard being a mother.

Some people find me funny.

I've read many books about personalities over the years. Well, read is maybe too strong of a word. Perused would be better. And I've taken the tests to determine what mine was and also went through those checklists to determine what my family was. For those of you who haven't spent valuable time on personality research there are four categories (that I've read of anyway): 1. Sanguine: people person, difficulty in keeping focus, they like shinies, etc. 2. Melancholic: pessimistic, sensitive, prone to withdraw, really likes schedules. 3. Choleric: born leaders, tendency to stomp over obstacles, not compassionate, always right. 4. Phlegmatic: easy-going, needs direct motivation, basically is perfectly happy sitting on the sidelines watching life happen. My hubby is sanguine-melancholic. I am choleric-melancholic. And I was talking to a friend the other day and she was describing her personality. And I said: "I've got the ability to lead. I'm really good at it...


Okay. So I cannot currently call myself a healer as I haven't played in ages. But when I play, and when I group/pvp healing is what I do. DPS/tanking is never as satisfactory as keeping someone alive to taunt the enemy. And since Bell pointed me at Miss M------- . I saw this thing . And decided to answer it. Also Miss M. I plan on leveling a holy priest first when I get back thanks to spending my bored library time reading your blog. Well, after I get Dampanza squared away which hopefully won't take that long. Then after that happens(if I don't get stricken by the alt-it-is that is so common to me) I shall move over my Shaman into dwarfness and have THREE HEALIES. What is the world coming to? I dunno. Its not like I'll ever have time to raid. Heck Damp won't even get to 80 until about 3 weeks after cata-mis-im comes out most likely. But THREE HEALIES. A me can dream. * What is the name, class, and spec of your primary healer? Dampanza -----Druid --...

The end result.

I ran all over the post today trying to get my outprocessing done as fast as humanly possible. I was completely done with everything but the very last briefing at 1400 today. At which point I was informed I have to wait until 0700 on Thursday for the briefing. I am not a happy person regarding this news.

Titles are too melodramatic.

I really really want to change up our blog's design and name and am torn about how is best to do this. I want to shift from the Horde based color/name that we have now to a much more druid/wild/night based one. I've mentioned this before in the last couple of weeks and am only coming back to it because I'm getting ready to go home and trying to plan out everything I want to get done. For those of you who have swapped blogs before or changed major themes any thoughts? Any steps to make it less work? Please pipe up. As for coming home here is a brief run down of my schedule(posted here for my benefit more than anything else) Day 1: Hang out with Wulfa, Orclette, and Miniorc. Wait for Orclette to get used to me again so that she'll let me hold her. Try to adjust to Miniorc. Wait for dinner when I get two hours alone with Wulfa. Day 2: Report to unit?(not sure on exactly when this has to happen but will know before I leave). Clean house and unpack. Day 3: Sit down w...


"I'm terrified of being an adult while at the same time I really, really want to stop being a dependent." - That rings terribly true to me. I have 8(19 yay for 15 min extra) min remaining on my computer session at the library here. So I don't really have time to come up with anything deeply interesting. Being at home with infinite computer time(if not infinite free time) will make writing things easier. I danced around Bell's blogs today which was yay. She's fun reading. Life here at Basic and AIT has slammed into my soul the need for music. One of my hopes and dreams for my upcoming BIRTHDAY AND CHRISTMAS is a music playing thing that everyone else in the world seems to have. One of the ones with buttons that have headphones. And that is about it. I'm off to go find something better to do now... like stare boredly at the ceiling and call Wulfa to whine about not being home yet. Falling in the black, slipping through the cracks Falling to the depth...