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Showing posts from January 3, 2010

A poll!

Two topics today: 1) THE POLL 2) Thoughts about perceptions and tranquil gardens at midnight. THE POLL Which dps class do you consider the easiest in terms of maintaining *decent* dps... nothing chart topping but none of this sub 1k crap? Based on a bad pug of my brother's yesterday and the silly statements by the priest who intentionally wiped them towards the end... I'm going to go with RET pally!... I have no clue as you can see from my previous post and Bar's awesome response :P THOUGHTS ABOUT PERCEPTIONS AND TRANQUIL GARDENS AT MIDNIGHT So I know I'm not the only one that does this: I find that after a few pugs I start to have expectations towards classes based on the previous experiences: Rogues: Horrible dps, gonna pull agro and die a lot, doesn't know how to stealth, likes to stand in green and purple death stuff. Paladins: Buffs me. Yay mana. Doesn't die much. Average dps. Warriors: Helpful. Good DPS. Doesn't die much. Doesn't pull agro...


So I've done two instances in Wrath. Low-level, mind you. And that was way back when Wrath had just been released. Then I took a 6-month break. No instances since. So we've started playing again, I've begun doing dailies on Wulfa and I'm starting to level up Beowulfa, my shadow priest. And today I was thinking I should go ahead and buy flying for Beo. So I switch on over to Wulfa. And in guild chat there had been talk of doing a heroic. I hadn't been paying attention because for so long I hadn't been able to participate. But switching over to Wulfa garnered me an invite and I thought, why not? Damm has been telling me I should do a few groups. So I'm trying to get Damm's damn new headset plugged into Vent (I hadn't really used it before and it has lots of wires) and trying to figure out where the little green button is and trying to type in party chat that I know absolutely nothing about the instance we're about to do so please tell me what to do...

Coming up with new titles for the same old rants is getting difficult.

I have whined a bunch in guild chat about two subjects. 1) Life as a new healer. 2) How much I hate all my attempts at dpsing. The first subject is a quick fix. I LOVE healing and even like it in parties that are horrible ...(I just hate the bit where we all stand around yelling at eachother). I whine too much because I like talking on green channel and don't have anything interesting to say. The solution to this is to whine less I guess. Certainly having more patience will mean I get more badges which is the only reason I queue. Well besides my self love of healing good groups. I'm slowly learning to let dps learn not to pull agro on mobs the tank isn't tanking by letting them die. Good dps in my experiance rarely get hurt (by which I mean pull agro and learn that they can't tank things). I don't mean that DPS don't get hit with AOE's or the stupid poison or the occasional boss sucking on your blood etc. I'm purely talking about getting hurt on ...


I can't believe the stuff people watch sheesh. People act like Lost was a good show and everyone seems to watch this 24 show but it never looked all that interesting. Sigh. Why can't everyone just watch Stargate and Burn Notice and NCIS like I do. These people are probably the same ones that killed Firefly before it had a chance to be the BEST SHOW EVER. And their kids probably suck.* Little hangups: 1) People coming into my room. This room? yeah its my room. The door is a big sign that maybe you shouldn't come in. Only Wulfa and Orclette and Miniorc have free passes. Everyone else... knock. 2) People watching me play silently waiting for a moment to talk to me. I'm really in my own world here. I might possibly be extremely frustrated by the stupid jousting thing in Icecrown and how the dumb retarded idiotic champion keeps getting further and further away from the circle until ding he quits and says I suck because I didn't wait in the circle for him to st...

On play time.

We are gearing up for the school semester. A semester that will see Wulfa waking up at 4am every day and me at 5am. A semester where the weekdays have been planned in advance down to the half hour. So our playtime is going to be very limited. Wulfa hasn't seen more than two instances in Wrath. I've seen 5 now thanks to a 2hour playtime on Saturday. We are going to try and juggle the whole school and game thing but when it comes down to it we've already committed to RL and the game will go away. Fortunately we are in a guild that understands this and won't mind if we go away for a while. Anyways just wanted to give everyone a heads up in advance. In other news I'm boomkin specced so that I can dps for my guildies on times when one of our other healers is already healing for the evenings heroics run. Which is yay. Turns out that I hate melee dps because I'm always chasing mobs and it makes me cry. :( But if someone could glance at my boomkin spec over there...


Technical Specification Description This quote is for the turnkey installation of a grid-tied 9.5 kw photovoltaic power system utilizing an array of 54 175 watt PV modules. The modules will feed DC power to 2 SB-4000 inverters, which will connect to the existing power supply through a Renewable Energy Credit (REC) meter and AC disconnect. The array will be mounted directly to the roof. Estimated Specifications Energy Production: 16,520 kwh/year Offset of Annual kwh Usage: 92 % Estimated First Year Benefits Utility Cost Avoided (@10 ¢/kwh)*: 1,784 $/year REC Earnings (@12 ¢/kwh): 1,982 $/year Total Savings*: 3,767 $/year Return On Investment: 10.4 % CO2 Emmissions Reduction: 34,196 lbs/year Water Saved in Power Plants: 9,912 gal/year * as energy costs rise, annual saving increase Cost Installed Price: $60,553 Federal Tax Credit (30%, no cap): $18,166 State Tax Credit (10%, $9,000 cap): $6,055 Total Tax Credit: $24,221 Cost After Tax Credits: $36,332 Performance estimates are based on so...

Orclette and Miniorc this morning.

The purple is medicine. It stains everything. Yay for us. We LOVE washing dishes with mommy and daddy. Scott has a camera. I have a macbook laptop phone. Even if I had a camera I would not be as awesome as him. I am full of envy at his awesome.

District 9 review

Review curtesy of comment by Capn John. This movie is a race movie. Just incase you didn't know to start. Which means it is dealing with a lot of much more emotional issues than mine and wulfa's usual shootemup style fare. As an example: There is violence and animals die in PLENTY of African safari movies and no one cries because well you aren't attached and they aren't killing babies. And then there is bambi and old yeller and people get teary eyed. The point is that some violence is more than others. D9 is full of the stupid kind... people abusing other sentients because they have no representation and no way of really defending themselves. It intentionally echoes the South African story of District 6 back in the 60's(I know very little about this episode other than wikipedia would be interesting research for someone somewhere). There are scenes of people* being shot, of kids* being threatened, and of babies* being aborted. We just had a baby and some of us(h...

"Gasp!" My dad was right.

My parents know some things. Have you ever had that revelation? I never claimed that they didn't know anything or didn't know me (though I think there may have been a period where I could have honestly said that ... anyway). But wow, they're right! Specifically my dad was spot on about checking out movies before you see them. He's always been strict about what we could or could not watch, something I appreciate now that I have an impressionable 2 1/2 year old. And though he couldn't tell us not to see a particular movie once we children hit the venerable age of 18, he still advised us to research the movie to find out what's in it, i.e. language, nude scenes, violence, etc. I haven't been doing that. And the last two movies Damm and I have seen have upset one or both of us (in case you were wondering, Avatar and District 9 .). There's just not enough time for me to watch something that doesn't add positives to my/our life. I don't need to see ho...