So for some unknown reason Tuesday I logged into my druid and healed a tiny bit. I think it was because the druid had more emblems.** After just one heroic I realized what my problem had been. I've been trying to run away from my druid healer. I've been trying to find an alternative. And they all failed. Boomkin failed Cat failed. Bear passed....but with a D. Shaman retry failed. Paladin heals.. FAILED HORRIBLY EVEN WITH MUCH BETTER GEAR.*** And then I tried my resto druid again and remembered how much I loved him. Oh how much I love him. The healing is so easy. I am untappable. I love it. Since I went back I've farmed about 57 emblems on my druid. Life is great. Working on a level 18 warlock(for battlegrounds with Mal and Moon), a level 26 mage(for battlegrounds with Mal and Moon) and a level 18 paladin(for battlegrounds with Mal and Moon) and a level 6 rogue(for battlegrounds with....) and a level 6 hunter(for hanging out with Wulfa). So far the heirlooms I...
Two of we, plus three of ours, makes five of us.