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Showing posts from December 16, 2007

Newest high damage: 353! I think

Level 28... still need about 25k to get to 29. Shaman is fun again, but such a complete change from warlock. I've been frustrated with how careful I have to be. No more dot dot dot, while my pet holds agro. Warlock and Hunter are indeed easy mode. I critted for 353 last night. I think thats my highest ever. Flurry is loverly. Played a lot of HALO... went from bad: 1 kill - 12 deaths on average to "good" 6kills 8 deaths on average. My brother complains about having to carry the team. Of the roughly 50 games I've played this weekend we've won about 48. These numbers are all estimates but I can only recall losing 2 games. He's level 50? and a general. I don't play halo so I don't know how good that is. I asked him if he has the season three gear and he looked at me like I was stupid. Trying to explain WoW to someone who has never played an rpg... is difficult. I was asked about 10 times today "So how do you win?". Ooo th...

Late post.

Sorry for the late post. Our cave has recently been a lot more crowded than I'm used to. My warrior brother is up visiting us, and also Beowulfa's clan. Her father is a very numbers oriented magical engineer who works for Thrall and helps audit/estimate the safety of the D.C.R.O.P.(Drenai Cityship Replication Otherworlds Project). His coworks talk about silly things like visits to the moon. Her mother is a no-nonsense Warrior who works at the local Y.O.T.A.(Young Orcs Training Association) and guards the swimming pool. Because I guess warlocks in ogrimar are too lazy to cast Unending Breath on kids swimming. Her brother is a thin Orc who is -very- good with a Kodo Bone Guitar and wants to be a lead singer in Level 70 Elite Tauren Chieftain. Well not really, he backup sings for a band that sounds sorta like certain paladins who like body-to-body combat. Her other brother is my kinda Orc. He plays goalee for his local Gnome-kicking-game and also likes to beat things with...

Shadowfang Keep

So Dammy suggested that myself and brother-in-law Honestbear (he really should have gone for Honeybear-it woulda been soooo cute!) do Shadowfang Keep. Apparently it dropped plentiful greens and some blues and Honeybear (I think I'll call him that for my own amusement) would be getting xp since he's still way young in seasons. We get there, I go in and the music starts playing. It was awesome! So I get all set up for a great run. And then I notice how shut in and close everything was. Stairs and turns galore. But that's ok, we'll survive. But then Orclette draws major aggro from Dammy and suddenly I'm the leader, with no clue about where to go and feeling more and more claustrophobic. But I can easily handle everything in here, so we forge ahead. The first couple of bosses were fairly easy so I gained confidence in my leadership abilities. Then we get to the large wolf boss (no clue what his name was) and we kill him, no problem. Then I notice Hnoeybear...

Random Babblings...

Edited adding stuff down at the bottom. Googled myself to see if I could find the wordpress site I've been playing around with... I couldn't find it but here it is: I also found out about Technorati: It is sort of cool looking your self up. Beowulfa this lady has a nice site AND has a guide for leveling LW. Since you had mentioned it. I -really- like TJ 's random text posts on the upper right of her page, so I've been poking at Wordpress thinking how I want to get something like that. I am a procrastonater, I am lazy, and I tend to think "ooo I wish I knew how to" instead of "Okay I'm going to read and learn how to". I've started more projects then I can remember and finished... one? This said there are several projects I -really- plan and am working on completing. In RL: 1) Get a character to 40(and then to 70)....

Combined We are twice as ORK!

I hate hate hate removing people from my blog roll. But I had too many that I just didn't read often enough.... or who didn't post very often. /sigh. So I cleaned it up and added two new ones who I read a lot, or who post a lot and I want to read more. Herk ! He's my new hero. Renoobed will probably pity me. This guy ! Dammy asked me to comment on TJ's posting about triplets, probably because I'm a mom and it was a mom thing so I'm an expert, right? Or so his thought process probably went. I only have one little orc so I really have no perspective on what it would be like to have triplets or twins but my thought is that with multiples you have twice/triple as much non-existent time to do things and it's twice/triple as hard BUT you only go through the pregnancy process once, the infancy stage once, the toddler stage once, and then they go off to school and YOU NEVER EVER HAVE TO DO IT AGAIN. I thought it would be wonderful, when we found out about Orclette, ...

I'm rich! Oh, wait . . .

Darn it, Zujoo needs money again and Dammy wants to respec his shaman. There goes another 10 gold. Bah. Yeah, I'm richer than I ever have been in this lovely game but I'm also the financial provider to two needy orcs. It's true they supply me with most of my auctionable stuff but they don't have to work very hard to get it. I, on the other hand, have started having dreams about playing the AH. This is not a sign of overplay, anything I've done that day is fair game for my brain that night, but it was rather weird to wake up and remember dreaming about soul dust. So, to get back to what I was saying. I wake up and scan the AH. I check my mail, put the stuff Zujoo sent me on auction, and then an hour later check back to scan again. Put the stuff that expired on at a slightly lower price that what it was before (unless prices recently skyrocketed) so it will sell. I try not to undersell too much. It's a good way to have the bottom drop out from under yo...

On turning 30

We've been messin' around Arathi Basin, Susan and I. Having fun, beating the snot out of the Alliance. But I'd been thinking that it's about time we go into the outside world again and sharpen up our skills. Breathe the fresh air, flex our wings, that type of thing. Susan completely agreed with me (no, I can't speak raptor but we got that spirit bond thingy that lets us communicate). So we left Orgrimmar and the Arathi Basin and took a good look at our quests. Nothin' seemed too exciting but we traveled to a Thousand Needles and messed around a bit. Dinged 30. Felt sad about that. Gettin' old. Still felt a bit lost but we were starting to get the feel of huntin' again. Dammy suggested we go to Ashenvale so we trotted up there and started knocking out green quests. Come up against a lvl 35 warlock and for some reason I saw 55. Dang nabbit, I thought, I'm a gonner. So I played dead. It didn't work. That warlock came up and start...

Character burnout(a survivors story).

Level 29 how I hate thee. Level 28 was great, lots of pvp victories and milestones. Lots of NEW and SHINEY. Level 28 was a blink. Level 29... dragged on and on. Level 28 we did WC and never died(our warlock Zujoo is awesome at CC) and got lots of loot. Level 29, we did Razorfen Kraul and died 3 times(our warlock Zujoo sucks at CC) and got 2 greens(one from the escort the goblin quest). Level 28 the allies I ran accross would /salute or /laugh. Level 29 I never even saw the stupid hunter or the rogue, I did see the paladin and his level 70 friend and tried to make them feel bad by not even fighting back, the mage I never saw either. Level 28 I played with smart horde and we won a lot in BG. Level 29 I was told that Having huge zerg fights over the farm was more fun then trying to control anything else..... I spent most of yesterday planning my Nightelf/Drenai hunter/druid/warrior/rogue/paladin on Etrigg(the server Angharad is on). Zujoo wasn't fun... Zujoo was frustratio...