The following slides are from my Battle Analysis this semester. The picture in the first slide is from the cover of the game " A Frozen Hell " and the black and white maps are modified from the book " The Winter War: Russia’s Invasion of Finland, 1939-1940 " by Robert Edwards. The terrain map is also from the war game. A great deal of the statistics are quotes from his book. The only material that is mine is the analysis and the slide arrangement. This paragraph is only to explain up front which material is mine and which isn't. "Irg" pretty much was the same as National Guard or Militia Units. They had almost no combat experience before this war and were drawn up only as Finland slowly realized how screwed they were. The Russian advance seemed at this point to be completely unstoppable. There was simply too many men, too little supplies and no fortifications to stop them. This is NASTY terrai...
Two of we, plus three of ours, makes five of us.