BBB meandered into Vent last night while we were prepping for a Ramparts run and while we were chatting he asked me how I feel about Wulfa being 70 and raiding. And being a very successful raider at that. While I still didn't have a 70. I can fairly honestly say that it really hasn't ever really crossed my mind. I never looked at raiding and thought "that is where I want to be". I never really looked at 70 and thought "that is where I want to be". Now don't get me wrong. I have many many many times wished I was 70. But a lot of those times it was because you only get access to 'x' spell at 70. A lot of times it was because if I was 70 then I would no longer have that slight external pressure to be 70. But never have I thought "I want to be 70 because thats where I want to be". I guess it is sort of like being exalted with a faction. You want it for the loot but rarely for the simple fact of being exalted. If I could si...
Two of we, plus three of ours, makes five of us.