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Showing posts from May 17, 2009

Swamp Coolers

There is such a lackadaisaical attitude about AC here. And in most buildings it ain't AC, it's a swamp cooler. I'm not sure exactly what the differences are technically, but I sure know what the differences are in air cooling ability. Our apartment is almost entirely in shade. This is the ONLY reason our swamp cooler is effective. Were the sun to invade our cozy little abode the swamp cooler would be utterly vanquished. Also, I woke up to a humid house. It's done wonders for my skin-I was looking like a scaly lizard. But it's a bit weird to have humidity in a cooled house, especially if you lived in Houston where the point is to get rid of all and any humidity and to make all of your customers freeze (I think all stores keep their AC at 60 during the summer. At least I think that's why my glasses fog up everytime I went inside a store :). And I've heard one horror story about a apartment resident who had to wait 9 days for her swamp cooler to get fixed. It...


The next two days Las Cruces is scheduled to get thunder storms. THUNDER STORMS. I haven't seen rain in-oh gosh, since we left Missouri. I love the rain. It's almost like Christmas-the sound of it pattering on the roof, the knowledge that there's nothing one could possibly do outside so it's perfectly ok to sit inside and read all day. The coziness. The darkness. Yep-I love rain. We'll see what rain looks like in the desert. I'm trying not to get my hopes up-their version of thunderstorm is probably not the same as mine. Damm is not able to fly back between basic and graduation. So plans are in full throttle for a humongous road trip to South Carolina to see him graduate. Family Day is July 16th, Graduation July 17th. Absolutely no idea whether that weekend he'll be able to spend more time with us or if they'll immediately cart him off to Georgia for AIT. As for getting leave to see his newborn ... he's been told it's possible but that it probabl...