So 'Wulfa has been sick. Icky sick. Have Dammy come home from work at 10am sick. Me and Orclette bonded. Anyways that was just news for news sake. It also explains why she hasn't done an awesome wrap up story about killing Trogs while on cough syurup highs. Or some such thing. I logged in Zujoo as she and Orclette settled into bed for the night and figured I'd do some quick questing get 2-4 bubbles worth of xp and then get off. Well I did get one quest done. Then on my way back to Tabitha(the awesome) I ran into this mage doing the quest where you have her summon a demon and then you kill it. So I dotted up his summoned demon and he waved and I waved and I turn around and see a mid 30's hunter with 20% hps...and a level 41 rogue and a level 41 paladin .. killing him. Me and the mage charge. The rogue suddenly looks like a christmas tree his dot list is so shiny. I howl of terror him. The Paladin see's 3-2 odds and runs(wimp). The mage and I fi...
Two of we, plus three of ours, makes five of us.