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Showing posts from December 9, 2007

Wailing Awesomes.(Ding 29)

Our motley group did WC thursday night. Downed all the bosses with ease. WoWWiki says a level 30 5man wiped once on Verdan the Everliving. I think they must have been trying to wipe because he died in about 10 seconds. Mutanex was a pain to me... only because I didn't know he was immune to EVERY shadow spell I had. It took me 1/2 into the fight to realize this because I usually fire and forget. He lasted about 20 seconds. And I'm not exagerating. CoA lasts 24 seconds ... I have a good idea of how long fights last. There are several reasons that WC was so fun: 1) Beowulfa was able to party with us even though we didn't have a sitter! This is so awesome you don't even know. This let us know that we can play as a couple without NEEDING a sitter. It was so very very nice. 2) Two hunters and a warlock make a fun party. Absolutely no healing but everyone is already familiar with not pulling hate off the tank(Susan). Also lots of DPS and CC. 3) CC practice...

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas to everyone! This is my favorite holiday. Winner by a landslide. The cool, crisp air, the turning colors, the second ice storm-that-threatens-to-wipe-out-power in my first year here. Bah humbug. We lost power for a little over a week last year. But that's not what this post is about. It's a merry, cheery post. I was going to be a total history nerd and look up the history/origins of Christmas and tastefully weave it in. But I'm too busy. Orclette loves me way too much to give me time to research. So instead I'll just rhapsodize and share what our holiday traditions are. I'm one of those people who finish the Thanksgiving feast and then hop up to put up the Christmas decorations. Dammy is not, so this causes friction. But I eventually have my way and the tree is put up and fluffed (hee hee. I was rather shocked when I learned an alternative definition of that word), ornaments hung, candles bought and put up. Lights we hung inside this y...

Some thoughts on PvP

Knowing the real number of marks you need is important. The stupid trinket(+4stm +20? spell penetration) is 30 marks not 20. Trotting all the way out to the stupid WSG vendor in Barrens just to find out you don' have enough marks is demoralizing. Behold a shiny map! The yellow is where I like to stay, I'm pre-emptive defense, and able to quickly run forwards and escort a flag runner if I need to. The red dots are where my team-mates should be if they would magically obey my thoughts. You would stay in Zone defense 90% of the time. Unless chasing an enemy with your flag. When escorting he second the next wave of escorts arrived you would take out anyone near bye and head back to your zone. Last night I stayed in the flag room and hated the walls for screwing with my camera. This was a tactical necessity as no one else would. I wish there was a magical score that would say: Zujoo caused 80% of the damage on 90% of the alliance flag runners.(Not that I did but yeah) Because when ...

Story x 2

I could not decide what to write about. Both Beowulfa and Angie had had noteworthy adventures. Which to write about? I posed this question to Dammy, and like the ever-helpful orc that he is he suggested I write about both. So today is 2 for the price of 1. Beowulfa~ We have discovered Arathi Basin. I hate trying new things, so it took Dammy awhile to convince me to try it. I blame this reluctance on the very first dude I partied with. (I can't remember which character was unfortunate enough to meet him.) He offered to run me through Deadmines. Because I hadn't yet tried this partying thing I agreed. Things went well for awhile although I was not sure whether I was supposed to help him kill things or just stand back and let him rip through everything. Then I had this little box pop up and it wanted me to roll dice for an item. I could press need or greed (I didn't know that closing the little box meant you passed). I, not knowing any better at the time, pressed ...

Its late.

Dear Flaca, Human Priest of Malfurion. You are the new personal bane of my existance. I wish you many many dead priests. 3games: 6marks in the first 20 min. 1 mark in the last hour and a half. Freakin healers. They had two priests. One of which, Flaca, I've met before. She's almost unkillable. She makes others unkillable. She shrugs off fear, shrugs off dots, and cleanses her entire raid effortlessly. Me and a mage hunted her down for spite(just once)[because she was in our base](alone)[and we were tired of her healing our targets] and it took us 3 min to kill her...and we were both focused on her. GRRRRRR. She is a LARGE reason for why the alliance came back from 2-0 to win that last game. Of the 7 or so WSG games I have played on this character... she was thwarting me (a lot) in about 5 of them. I saw her in all 3 of my losses. Flaca, I salute you....and I dearly wish some twinks would come kill yer mangy human priest hide. 14 of 20 WSG marks. 5 of 30 AB marks.(Focusing on ...

A question.

I asked this question on the WoW support forums but would be interested t know if anyone here already knew the answer: Can you play WoW in spanish using the US version or do you need a UK key? You need a EU account and need an EU method of payment and need to download the EU version of the game. My question is located here so that I can find it when I get home to see any answers that were posted.

Warlocks even dot their t's.

I hit level 28 last night yay. I've been leveling slowly the last couple of days because Saturday went badly in RL, Sunday we had much needed us and baby time, and last night WSG distracted me. I played three games. I don't remember the first one. The third one I vaguely remember. But the second one? It had an epic feel to it. After ages at 0-0 we got distracted with killing the other team and saw them JUMP to a 2-0 lead. Several hordies quit out. A few more joined. And Patchy and Cattwinkle(both of their names may be wrong...they are both hunters though), start talking to eachother on /bg. Someone scores for us.... suddenly its 2-1. Then they grab our flag, we flood back on defense and kill the runner, and another ally grabs the flag, we kill her, and another...who gets away and is sprinting for their base and "Patchy picks up the horde flag", and for the first time that night a hordie gets out of their fortress alive with the flag. He begs/orders 2 healers to stay w...


I have dinged 40! Finally, after two years of playing, my hunter can wear mail. But I'm not talking about Beowulfa . I'm talking about my Angie. Angie was the third character I created in WOW. The first was a human priest who got herself lost and killed inside of 2 minutes. She got deleted. The second was a dwarf warrior who lasted a bit longer. Then I decided to roll a Night Elf Hunter and I fell head over heels in love. Playing a hunter was soooo fun! Then I got a pet. A nightsaber cat that I named Boru. We rolled through those early levels together having loads of fun. I decided to learn the cloth trade and so made my first gold pieces by selling bolts of linen cloth. I graduated from the island and made my way to Ashenvale . There I stayed throughout my pregnancy. To this day when I make my way over into Ashenvale I get a bit of stomach queasiness and I can smell doritos , the only food I could safely eat at the time. Then I put Angie in an inn and let her rest, in the m...