Our motley group did WC thursday night. Downed all the bosses with ease. WoWWiki says a level 30 5man wiped once on Verdan the Everliving. I think they must have been trying to wipe because he died in about 10 seconds. Mutanex was a pain to me... only because I didn't know he was immune to EVERY shadow spell I had. It took me 1/2 into the fight to realize this because I usually fire and forget. He lasted about 20 seconds. And I'm not exagerating. CoA lasts 24 seconds ... I have a good idea of how long fights last. There are several reasons that WC was so fun: 1) Beowulfa was able to party with us even though we didn't have a sitter! This is so awesome you don't even know. This let us know that we can play as a couple without NEEDING a sitter. It was so very very nice. 2) Two hunters and a warlock make a fun party. Absolutely no healing but everyone is already familiar with not pulling hate off the tank(Susan). Also lots of DPS and CC. 3) CC practice...
Two of we, plus three of ours, makes five of us.