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Showing posts from September 28, 2008

The alt - a study in terseness.

Decided to play my shaman a bit more. Moved him over to Lightning hoof. Herb 240. Herb now 283ish. Alchemy is next. Cooking and fishing after that. Oh how I missed the burst damage. Also missed Org and Thrallmar a lot. Not stopping my druid, just messing around on my Shaman. I loves me this Shaman again.

I've named the place Abzahlung

In the world of Abzahlung: A few more world facts. These are the boring geekish ones. Unlike the spiffy energy one. There are five major continents. Two huge ones, Two ice covered empty ones, and one smaller one that is effectively poisonous. The air there is almost impossible to breathe, the water feels slippery and can have incredibly nasty effects on you and the plant life is twisted and warped. There are 6 known sentient species. These species have an unfortunate unspoken caste system. Tier One: The Drach - Treated with respect due to the fact that they are roughly 5 times larger than any other species, can fly without glyph help, and are equally intelligent. Big, sentient preditors that can design weapons with the best of them. The Drach alone occupy the top caste. They have lost wars......its just not often. They are the majority race in only one Nation. Territorial but not interested in conquest outside of their lands. Tier Two: The Dumail - Looks like an intelligent si...

I also lost my first EOTS last night.

Well there is more in that screenshot than I wanted to show but there you go.

Alts again

I'm 100-150k from level 68. Then I'm taking a break from my druid. So... I'm wanting to do battlegrounds. I need someone who will be good at WSG, but won't be a flag carrier. I don't want to play a hunter. I made a little rogue named stockings. I got him to level 3 or 4. I already hate him for being a rogue. I'm trying to decide what to play. Mmmmm Paladin? I've always wanted to do the BE paladin quest stuffs.... maybe Mage? I really really need to get a mage off the ground. Warlock? Dots are lovely, but the rp of the class and the ugly pets inevitably bother me. Warrior? I've got a level 31 warrior alt who is sitting in the wings. Not for now. Maybe I should work on Dammerung the shaman a bit. He's been idle in HFP for so long that he thinks he died. Or maybe I'll just go back into AV with 'Panza. Healing AV is just fun. Update: Moon says Paladins suck at pvp :P. Not that I believe him but thats what he says.


Ever since my druid hit outlands I have been ignoring theory crafting. This wasn't a conscious decision just something that sort of happened. So whether or not a class was getting shinies in the expansion wasn't something I really knew about. Thanks to BRK and WI's Rossi I had heard about the shiny new Hunter toys and Prot warrior awesome. Also I had picked up that Ret Pallies were getting their day in the sun, and that pallies in general seemed to be happy. Rogues? Who knows, I don't play one currently, and none of my family members play one as their main. Mages? All I know is that they always seem to be worried about how much better Warlocks are. Also I saw at least one person list of a full damage chart and the mage was on the bottom. This lead me to think they were getting nerfed. Warlocks? Corruption is now instant cast without talents. I didn't pay attention to anything elese. Shaman? Enhancement is moving further towards hunter gear, a move that m...

It's a Conspiracy

Before I get to the conspiracy bit, I have a bone to pick with humanity. Why did no one tell me of the yummy goodness that is a toasted pop-tart? I had my first one this morning (fiber one brand, so fairly healthy). I want one every morning. Moving on. We bought Ironman last night. I say we, I mean Moon. What's his is ours, what's our is not his. You know how it goes. IMO, it was the best-made comic-inspired movie I have seen. Robert Downey Jr. was amazing, Gwyneth Paltrow was smart and funny, and Jeff Bridges made a good bad guy. I liked his suit much better. Much more impressive. And the bit at the end made no sense to me, although Samuel Jackson is always fun to see. Since it didn't make sense, I thought I'd do a bit of research on the world of Ironman. and whaddyaknow? There's 15 billion different versions! (I might be exaggerating. Just a bit.) It's like those Choose Your Own Adventure Stories which, fyi, had some truly horrible endings. Not entirely convi...

Wow a post about WoW

So, how does this go... " Everyone else is talking about their plans for wrath and how it is just around the corner and...." Nah bleargh. I'm planning on rolling a DK on a server with a horrible cow warrior, a grouchy old Orc hunter, a miserably bad according to rumors druid, and someone who talks with "V"'s(You Vill Help Me KVill Things"). I think there even might be a pvp queen on this server. Now, will they care that I'm on their server? Who knows, but I wants me a horde DK and I'd like to know how bad-someone-really-is. No one can be that horrible. --------------------------------------------------------------- I'm also planning on a racially-similiar DK on Kaelthas with Wulfa. Not sure what she's going to want to roll. --------------------------------------------------------------- Inscriptionist. 100% RP reasons. Dampanza-Waiting-On-A-Name-Change is a scholorly druid.* A profession based around writing? Heck yeah. *Not sure if he w...

All the little details

Well maybe not all, but some. There are NO electrons, no electricity, no lightning, no stupid shocks when you touch metal after sitting in your shag carpet car. Instead living creatures have cells that break down atomic level goodness into energy. Think of something like a naturally occuring nuclear reactor. 99% of the time this works in a passive state, providing the energy your body needs to power your muscles. I'm playing fuzzy science for the direct reason that my last biology class was highschool, and my chem class was poorly attended in college. Also this is fiction and NONE of this would show up in a book. The book version is: We've got energy woo! Living creatures can -naturally- burn this energy, much like you would use addrenaline. The extra burning speeds up everything, makes you stronger and seriously wipes your caloric reserves. You have this in addition to addrenaline. When burning energy your eyes glow slightly and you feel warmer. Most creatures have a...


Part 1: The carefully worded response to teh big angry cow thing. Ahh... poor me. I'm a delicate flower. I'm certain that Renoobed would have responded "love? what love? Wear a shield and maybe you'll get love." But I responded with OH CRAP I LEFT SOMEONE OUT. So I disolved into instrospective meanderings. Renoobed really should offer classes. At first I guessed what it came down to was whether or not I considered the blog a conversational blog or not. But then I looked again and saw TJ and Fluent Self on there. And while I like both of those sites they fall into my conversational catagory. And so on and so forth. I did not reach a conclusion. Moon hates me when I do this. So I sat down and made a paper doll and named it Renoobed and asked it what to do. It said, "Call Megs and ask her to kill you repeatedly for asking stupid questions". Then it said, "No wait that would be a waste of her time, just let Herk do it, although he'll probably do it ...

Future posting.

Yesterday I suffered from blogging failure. Below are the topics that didn't get written: More details on the world I'm building in response to Klaki A carefully thought out response to Herk A new post and new reorganization of my A+ list A post detailing my goals for wrath and why I'm liking balance now A post responding to the responses that I recieved in my phones post Thoughts on how I feel like I never write about WoW anymore Thoughts on how some books are classics but you don't like them and books you like a lot you still call "campy" or "B novels" Another email to myself containing "what happens next" Fooey. Instead I stumbled through the day, ended up getting home late from work, floated through BF barely helping, and went to bed leaving the house TRASHED. Hopefully today will go better.

Following Vonya's example. I have completely ignored my A+ list for some time now. So after reading Vonya's post I went through it again and cleaned out the cobwebs. It is now uptodate with the blogs I consider the best written/most informative. Warning they aren't all WoW blogs.

A New Holiday

I've thought up a new holiday. Stay-in-Bed-and-Eat-Bonbons-All-Day. Day. You'd rent sappy movies-or gory movies, if that's your preference. Or buy a bunch of romance novels and immerse yourself in titles with "Buck, "Sinner," and "Seduction" in the title with rather pornographic pictures on the front. Or-and I'm going on a tangent here, sorry-you could check out Georgette Heyer (I think that's her last name, might be wrong). Her title was The Lordly Buck . It just made me laugh. It also seems as if her book might be a bit cleaner than, say, Nora Roberts, so I might check it out. You know, on my holiday day. Later that day you'd order pizza and icecream (that being my favorite food, but insert your favorite food). And you'd continue with your entertainment of choice. And this would last until you fell asleep that night. Somehow, I'm not sure how as I wouldn't want to deprive anyone of their holiday, your children/pets have bee...

On phones.

Imagine a world where society had followed much the same path that real life has so far except that science was based very highly on biologically contained power sources(think magic ie: sorcerers in D&D), and storable energy devices(glyphs). You still have vehicles like cars, trains, planes, dirgibles. Electricity is out. Simply doesn't happen/exist. Gunpowder was never developed as the proper glyphs are equally powerful. Most engines work based on the drivers internal power source powering preset glyphs that make the most of the energy conversion. 100% conversion doesn't happen much like it doesn't happen with most engines today. What would you call phones? Cars? Guns? Guns do exist, as glyphs power ammo down rifled barrels that are lined with even more glyphs to speed up the process. Kind of like how I envision a rail gun to work. Way less noise than real guns though. I don't know where the word gun comes from. So I can't even theorize that that could...

Ishvi, my baby brother, has been playing around with making his own website. As such he was kind enough to get the for us. Right now nothing will change but once I get to NM and have a bit more time I'm thinking about moving everything over to a self run website. Yay and stuff. More to come later if I come up with something to talk about.