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Showing posts from June 3, 2012

Getting more crunchy.

I spent this past weekend delving into "crunchy" blogs. I say that like it was a departure from my normal schedule but it really isn't. I've been soaking this stuff up now that I have time and mental space available. I read about using honey as a facial cleanser and am giving that a go (use only raw honey and if you can get honey from the people that made it it's even better). I bought jojoba oil at my local health food store and am going to try the Oil Cleansing Method. I have also been inspired to go "no-poo". Most of these decisions have been motivated by cost concerns; facial cleansers/creams are expensive  and, also important, they haven't been working for me. I still don't consider myself "crunchy" although I think I've leaned in that direction for a while. As a teen I resisted makeup wearing and have always preferred a "natural" look. I also didn't shave my legs until I was 14 and the societal pressure got too ...

So here's how I've been "crunchy" so far.

So far they've all been on the health/beauty side rather than culinary attempts. I already modify any recipe, adding whole wheat flour instead of white, flaxseed, unsweetened applesauce instead of oil and other similar changes, so I guess you could say I'm already on the crunchy side culinary-wise. So without further ado, my crunchy attempts: #1 Turmeric Tea: It supposedly does a boatload of good stuff for you, including easing aches and pains (which is why I decided to try it). Here's the recipe, which you can find variations of all over the web: 1 C. almond milk 1/2 Tbs. butter 1/2 tsp. turmeric 1/2 tsp. ground ginger dash of cinnamon very, very small dash of black pepper (apparently it makes turmeric work even better but wow, don't like the taste:) Heat the almond milk and butter. Mix other ingredients into your cup, add a bit of the heated milk mixture. Stir. Add the rest of the stuff and enjoy. As long as I go easy on the pepper it actually makes a pre...

And the craziness just does not stop

I found another  blog that has me spending hours at a time reading through the archives. Skwigg  is a former anorexic/bodybuilder fanatic + a good many other phases. I totally identify, having been through the anorexic thing and the fanatical exercise thing. Her blog got me thinking about my approach to life/fitness/eating and I thought I'd share my thinking (because if you're like me other people's thoughts about nutrition and fitness are fascinating . If you're not like me feel free to ignore me:) I will not eat diet food.  I did for years and the stuff tastes nasty and I'm just not doing it anymore. I still do like using protein powder BUT I mix it up with other stuff because I don't like the taste of whey (although MuscleTech puts out a protein powder that I can drink by itself). I eat full-fat yogurt (although I am currently enamored by Brown Cow's non-fat Lemon yogurt) and mayonnaise and butter, just in small amounts. I also love whole milk. Again, ...