The Running Man was a good, law abiding corporate accountant. Careful with the books in a way that only an obsessive dwarf could be. He made a good living out of Houston, TX and had a modest savings put away with an eye out towards retirement... one of these days... after all the work was done. He had a nice house and occasionally brought home real food even. Then one late evening at the office, the door burst open, there was a bright flash of light and he woke up in the corp. Doc's office. Once he learned to talk again he found out that there had been a raid on his office... some thugs had nailed him with a bullet to the head and then proceeded to dump almost 1million nuyen into untraceable accounts. By the time security arrived the intruders were gone, and all activity wiped out, including the accounts that he had been working on that night. Due to the nature of his injuries however it was clear he would never again be up to even the simplest accounting work... just talkin...
Two of we, plus three of ours, makes five of us.