I'm actually excited about this pick. I love the fact that she's hardcore pro-life. I love the fact that she has an amazing track record of anti-corruption. Below is a positive bio. http://weblog.signonsandiego.com/weblogs/afb/archives/027011.html Currently there only seems to be two kinds of articles about this pick. One is EXTREMELY negative, saying she has no experience and she is just a trick-pick to try and capture women voters, and things of that nature. The others are EXTREMELY positive and glowing. For myself, the second I started reading about her track record I got excited and wanted to run out and vote immediately (knee-jerk response). Sure she doesn't have much experience but what she has done with the little she has seems to be -far- more than has been done by anyone else. We'll see how this turns out, but this is the first time I've been really excited about a republican candidate....ever I think.
Two of we, plus three of ours, makes five of us.