I don't really know what to write today. I wish jobs were more like guilds. More likely to give you a trial period before telling you hell no. Gimme a trial period and I'll have the job. Don't...and well yeah. Loving my DK still. Wish I had more time to play. Really really wishing I had a nice solid job. I had this one lead I was certain would work out. I knew the company and had worked with some of their people before. I wrote a rather good email explaining to them how hiring me would help them and how it would help me. I called the guy. And this morning.. blam no go. *Sigh*. Now I know several people who are currently looking for a job just like I am. And all of them are probably experiencing the same crap. I had always heard that having a job made a huge difference to your psychy. Until I move here I did not realize how much. I'm really glad I moved. I love how my Orclette is happier. I -know- that this was the right move overall. I love the area. ...
Two of we, plus three of ours, makes five of us.