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Showing posts from November 16, 2008


I don't really know what to write today. I wish jobs were more like guilds. More likely to give you a trial period before telling you hell no. Gimme a trial period and I'll have the job. Don't...and well yeah. Loving my DK still. Wish I had more time to play. Really really wishing I had a nice solid job. I had this one lead I was certain would work out. I knew the company and had worked with some of their people before. I wrote a rather good email explaining to them how hiring me would help them and how it would help me. I called the guy. And this morning.. blam no go. *Sigh*. Now I know several people who are currently looking for a job just like I am. And all of them are probably experiencing the same crap. I had always heard that having a job made a huge difference to your psychy. Until I move here I did not realize how much. I'm really glad I moved. I love how my Orclette is happier. I -know- that this was the right move overall. I love the area. ...

From the outside!

Still no job. Currently three good leads... none of which have actually led anywhere. But Ess spread me some jobcorn to catch the jobdeer so I should be better off :p Death Knight. Wow... Delos.. if you haven't tried blood... try it. Same dps as unholy(at level 68) but 3 times the survivability. Sadly no pets. Your call. My shaman is -starting- to call me. Only because I know this huge cow tank who I might be able to sweet talk into farming me resto gear. Because I have none. Because resto is so awesome. But DK's are my new thing. I played my resto druid for about 10 min(2 hours) with Moon on Wednesday night. His stupid blood DK only lost hps once......when he didn't stop dpsing on the boss after the boss threw up reflect(the quest tharisson gives you in tundra guy at the top of the tower). But even then..he didnt stop dpsing at all... took 5k+ damage almost instantly and never got close to dying. Kalmerung(alliance DK blood) is level 60. Dalmerung(horde DK fro...

Ninja Close to Home

Sooooo ...... I've been through Utgarde Keep 3 times now. Twice in my hunter, once on my priest. Here's how the looting went: Dammy, Dammy's, oh and only Damm could use that. THEN, when I brought my priest through because UK seemed only capable of dropping clothie stuff, it was Hunter, Hunter, Plate, Hunter. Gah. So yeah, Damm be the ninja close to home. So far no upgrades for Wulfa, who dinged 72 this morning. Her purple gear is lasting. Some stuff has come close but enchants/gems make what I have just a wee bit better. I've decided to get a gorilla for some AoE tanking, as I keep on pulling threat from my cat and bird. I did notice fewer problems when Boru (cat) dinged 71, but then I dinged 72, and it all starts again. Beowulfa is sitting in the Tundra inn waiting for wulfa to get to 80. Woofwoof, my DK, is waiting for her avatar to research how DK's should be played before she's brought out again. And more importantly, TWILIGHT THE MOVIE IS COMING OUT TONIGHT...


I GET TO KEEP BAMBI!!!!!!!!!!! The rescue shelter we got her from did not have any openings, and had no time frame on when they could take Bambi back. So the powers that be, i.e. Damm's parents, decided that they were fine with Bambi staying as long as the two females were supervised when together and that the Orclette was always kept out of harms way. So yeah, Happy Days.

Dear Big Cow:

I did as you asked and delivered the message. Of course there was a response(isn't there always).

New Favorite Class

Death Knight. Wow I'm having so much fun. Although I was able to kill stuff instantly it took me almost all weekend to get a solid grasp on runes. Runic power is silly simple like rage. But hammering out a rotation hasn't been. It was simply so difficult to stop having fun and -think- about how I was obliterating things. Because of this it wasn't until last night that I really got it worked out. Then this morning I was writing up my findings and ran across this at EJ's. Much much better. I still think for myself soloing I'll go with IT>PS>DS>HS>HS>DC>HS>HS. This is because I use IT to pull and I don't have en ought talents for the gargoyle instead of DC and I don't have obliterated yet. Anyways. I love the class and the plate and the awesome. I'm preferring Blood for soloing and Ice for grouping and like I said on guild chat last night: "Unholy sucks because moon loves it and he is always wrong on principle ".