Wulfa dinged 62 late, late last night. I HAVE STEADY SHOT I HAVE STEADY SHOT I HAVE STEADY SHOT Now I need to go back and read all of Pike's Posts on the subject .... I read them before, but I didn't read read them. Because of the lateness of dinging last night I have yet to experiment with Steady Shot but that will come today. Maybe .... I've been working soo hard on lvling that I'm considering taking a short break. But then, there is a new pair of pants awaiting me at lvl 63(and the ones I'm wearing now are butt-ugly but have really good stats), a whole new range of quests should have just opened up, and my brother is catching up with me. So, that break might not happen. I did create the cutest little gnome mage named Orclette. Why didn't I think of this before? When Wulfa dings 70 her adventures will start. I'm totally nostalgic about the Dwarven area and very eager to get back to it, be young again, have no worries, no cares .... And as the real Orclett...