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Showing posts from May 25, 2008

Shoulders anyone?

Looking at shoulders I think these are the best. But or might be easier to get. The first one requires a drop off of Keli'dan the Breaker in Blood furnace. The 2nd require The Mag'har - Revered and the last requires you complete Deathblow to the Legion . Anyways... Thems my enh shoulders.

I wantz it

Ok, so I was reading through my daily blogs and I discovered that BlizzCon 2008 has been announced and will be in October. I think I want to go. And I am shocked that I am admitting this because it means I really have turned into a nerd. And I want to know if any of my fellow guildies (Sidhe Devils) or bloggers is planning on going 'cause if you are we can like, totally hang out (insert Valley Girl voice, which I do a very poor imitation of). BTW, Dammy, would you like to go too? Yes but when is it? How much will it cost? How many days off will I need? Seems pricey. Etc. Oh and also: Totem at 70 is now picked:

So I'm 99% happy.

Like Wulfa twittered yesterday I finalized my level 70 headgear. First choice if it is on the AH is: If I can't find that item, then I will get a LW to make me: . I -really- thought about leveling Engineering for these: and I might still...but I was planning on BS for my Weapons and both would be crazy.* After even the lowest level of searching I realized that my first post was -way- under researched. I am currently making a full list of each slot that is fully searched(both mail/leather and for all 4 main stats I care about Agi, Str, AP, Crit Rating). Once I have a full list I shall post it and also post the steps for getting every item on that list in the order that I plan on going about it. In other news I'm pleased as punch by the reception of my last post. Not sure why but almost every comment made me smile. Even a certain someone who conspired with Wulfa to tease m...

"The Fallacy of "Play what you want"".

I want to be needed. I want to feel like I am an integral and important portion of my guild. So I ask "what does the guild need?" and the worst thing I can hear back is "play what you want". I don't want to play what I want. I want to know that what I play is going to bring something to the guild that no one(or few others) else is bringing. I want to play a shaman because of my group buffs. I want to play a survival hunter because of expose weakness. I want to play a healer because of healing. I want to be filling a need. If the need is dps I want to see whateveryone else has and pick the dps that synergizes the most. Gosh darn it. Horde side I have a Shaman. This shaman knows an Ele shaman, a BM hunter, and a Warlock. My first inclination? To respec resto, practice healing, and recruit a tank....... Alliance side I have a hunter. Survival hunter at that. But my guild is -full- of hunters. Suddenly I feel a desire to play a healer, or a sham...

Guess what?!

Wulfa dinged 62 late, late last night. I HAVE STEADY SHOT I HAVE STEADY SHOT I HAVE STEADY SHOT Now I need to go back and read all of Pike's Posts on the subject .... I read them before, but I didn't read read them. Because of the lateness of dinging last night I have yet to experiment with Steady Shot but that will come today. Maybe .... I've been working soo hard on lvling that I'm considering taking a short break. But then, there is a new pair of pants awaiting me at lvl 63(and the ones I'm wearing now are butt-ugly but have really good stats), a whole new range of quests should have just opened up, and my brother is catching up with me. So, that break might not happen. I did create the cutest little gnome mage named Orclette. Why didn't I think of this before? When Wulfa dings 70 her adventures will start. I'm totally nostalgic about the Dwarven area and very eager to get back to it, be young again, have no worries, no cares .... And as the real Orclett...

Looking forwards.

For my enhancement shaman I am going to be trying to figure out what gear I can collect at 70 before raiding to be the best PVE person I can be. I'm using the following values to help rate my gear. These values were taken from here . Attack Power = 1 Strength = 2 Agility = 1.74 Crit Rating = 1.97 Haste Rating = 1.28 Hit Rating = 1.34 Armor Penetration = .22 Expertise Rating = 3 Weapons For my weapons I'm looking at: Obviously this requires blacksmithing but I'm not sure if the recipe is obtainable without a raidgroup. If it is I'm willing to farm up BS for these. Alterntively we have this: and Or two of: CHEST HANDS SHOULDERS (quest) (easier quest) HEAD htt...


Someone enlighten me. I keep running into this idea with certain people I talk to. "Why are you charging me for this custom program? It has already been written for another bank. All of the work is already done." I've tried explaining that programs are like books. Even though you only wrote it once you charge it multiple times. I've tried explaining that custom programs are like our software product. You have to pay for YOUR copy, even though we've already written and sold copies to other people. The last person I tried to explain this to told me that I "shouldn't argue with the customer". /sigh This isn't a complex idea.

One Looong Weekend

It's wonderful not working retail full-time. You actually get 3-day weekends without having to bargain your life away. Hurrah! So, cute things that Orclette did this weekend: 1. learn to clap her hands just like her daddy 2. learn to shake her head "no" just like her daddy 3. take the empty soda bottle from me (I had been having fun bopping her gently on the head with it) and bopping herself a good few times 4. offered a choice between uncle and dad, she chose uncle. Ok , so that wasn't completely cute-if that had happened to me I would've cried. And, things I did in WOW this weekend: 1. I got to 61! On Wulfa , alliance-side hunter. I was in the middle of a fight when the flashing golden light happened so I forgot to check how much xp I now needed for lvl 62. When I remembered to look I nearly fell off my chair. 574000-odd xp ? So my goals had to change a bit. I can't push frenetically for 70 when I have to get that kind of xp . So, I'm goin...

Tonight is Shaman night.

So I've been in idle mode on my toons most of this weekend. I took Friday night and hit 60 on my shaman. But after that I didn't do much. My hunter finally hit exalted with SW and is now about 1/2 the way to 40(from 39). I created a warrior for twinking and made it to level 2. I then created a mage and made it to level 8 last night. I plan on playing the mage...the warrior...not so much. The stuff in blue is me rambling and complaining. I couldn't decide whether to clip it or to post it so I changed the color and figured I'd warn you now so you can skip. Its not all bad...but not much of it is good. If you like the other Indiana Jones movies you will probably like this one. It is the same old Indy. And honestly he only gets cooler as he gets older. Seriously, "old" indy is AWESOME. Crazy awesome. That said? I didn't like the movie. I never like these movies. The scenes are awesome. The plot sucks. It is how I feel about 90% of what LucasFilm...