I just think it's really, really funny that something we celebrate our ancestors doing got bogged down in a bunch of red tape .... perhaps it would've went better if our modern-day protesters had done it sneakily? Like the Boston Tea Party? And if you have no clue what I'm talking about, just check the news for a story about a tea party. I didn't read the whole article because of lack of time, but I'm thinking I agree with the protesters: spending has increased with almost every president in modern times (exception, if I remember Damm's soliloqey right: Bill Clinton) and guess who has to pay for it? And at some point enough is just enough, no matter how good the new programs are (the exception to protesting money spenditures would be if WWIII broke out. Then I think no one would be protesting ...). The money runs out. Or the tax payers get tired of forking over more and more of their money. Ya know, I think the dudes back in the 1700's protested over a tax r...
Two of we, plus three of ours, makes five of us.