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Showing posts from May 27, 2012

Experimenting with bloggy things.

I've totally changed the site. Pink background, different colors, different layout. There are probably other cool things I could do but Damm is playing his video game on his new PlayStation (our old X-Box wasn't working properly and then our DVD player died. Got a good trade-in value for the X-Box though) and is not available for queries. I considered moving to a new site but thought, why? Especially when I can change the background to a pink color AND I really have no idea what I'm doing. Plus I kind of like the thought that the blog has changed just like we have changed. So yeah, that's what I've been doing this Saturday.

Deliciousness + Healthfulness

I stumbled upon a new site with fitness/nutrition information: the Coach Calorie . I love coming across an older site like this, because it means I won't be waiting for new articles to read but can make my way through the archives. He seems to offer pretty sound information. Some of it I've heard before, some of it's new. What really caught my interest, though, were his thoughts about nutrition and controlling carbohydrates. Basically he advocates limiting carbs to the breakfast meal and post-workout, and really, you can do without carbs at breakfast. The aim of all this carb-controlling is, of course, to maximize your fitness efforts and to get "cut", if you will (*note that this is my interpretation of his information, not what he actually said*). I'm not sure I'm ready to pursue the "cut" look. I've lost five pounds since January, mostly because I upped my protein intake, increased my strength training, and started logging more hours at ...