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Showing posts from February 17, 2008

Being Wulfa

A couple nights ago Daxe and I (of the glorious Pox Arcanum) decided to go bother the boys down at Grom'Gol. There weren't any cute ones around when we arrived so we trotted over the beach, whipped off our clothing, and lay back for a nice sunbath. After a while Daxe decided to take a swim, but I stayed on shore 'cause haven't any of you seen Jaws ? And I swear I saw a shark ..... and then Daxe had to leave me. We cried a bit over our sad parting. Then I put my clothes back on and headed up the boat. There I met this ravishing female who of course I had to drop a few of my best lines on .... she liked 'em and responded with a few of her own. With fond waving we parted company, sighing over opportunity lost as our boats sailed away from each other ..... A couple of weeks ago I wouldn't have been able to participate in that really fun debacle. I'm not a roleplayer. My one attempt at D&D ended in tragedy and oaths that I would never try again (well...

Ahh... Poxed.(ps: this is LONG)

So woo! Last night everything went awesomely. Well almost, we had one group stall due to an EVIL INTERWEB and we had some hiccups on the Tabard :p. But we were all dressed awesomely and smexy shortly. I cannot say how exciting this has been and is. Well I can...but it isn't articulate. Green Poxed started rolling last night. We meandered over to UC and tagged the flight point. Then we wandered out to some tower that Elips swore he needed to go to. I think he was just on a warlock beer run to the local corner store but yeah... sure I'll believe the I'm really after some dusty tome. I mean.. who choses a dusty tome over booze? Them forsaken have serious priority issues. He opened a box(oddly surrounded by recently dead guys) and stuffed something into his backpack and said he needed to trot back to UC. So we did. While we waited on the steps he talked to other warlocks and beat down uppity demons. Then we were off to orc lands again. Raamah needed to get something...

A post so hard to follow ......

How does one follow on the heels of so well-written a post? I was tempted to write a short, unimaginative, bleh post just to compensate for the wonderfulness that was Dammy's tanking guide. It was the most hits ever (I think around 284), we were linked 4 times, AND it was mentioned in guild chat last night. So go Dammy! Last night us poxers formed our guild-the Pox Arcanum. I would tell you how it went, but I can't. Wulfa has requested that honor. Apparently she had a blast last night. She was giggling so hard she couldn't get any details out but I think she's calmed down a bit. You'd think after living with two orcs for most of her life she'd have a bit of seriousness in her but nope. The vapidness that is her Blood Elf heritage has stayed with her. I apologize ahead of time. I'm a bad shadow priest. I think I should be punished. Any of you wanna do it? I've already got the tools ready oh she's sooo borish. Anyway, I'm a bad sh...

A tanking guide.

Here is the situation: Your guild has been busy all day long while your at work. You finally get home and log in and are informed that the GM(and main tank) is about to leave and you are now assigned tanking duty. You start to panic. You don't know what to do. And agro is already spiralling out of control. Ever been in that situation? I have. So I decided I would write a guide for this very situation. Step 1) Are the appropraite debuffs up? Step 2) Do you have the tools? Step 3) Are you practicing the fundamentals? Step 4) Are you prepared for the long haul? And Step 5) How to finish with a resounding silence. Are the appropriate debuffs up? You absolutely MUST have these debuffs up to start and you need to keep them up. There are only two of them and here they are in the order of priority: a) Clean Diaper. If Orclette's Diaper isn't clean you won't be able to contain the agro. I don't care how good your other fundamentals are. This is a MUST HAVE and should be chec...


Gadget! Gadget! Gadget! I want to go on record saying I don't like ratings. I don't like rating things. And now that that is done, I want you to know that if yer gonna make a toy. PLEASE, please make it as simple and as easy to install as this . I love these guys now. I clicked because I was curious. I actually installed it because it was crazy easy. Easy = good. Oh and they even have a press-release page . If I had a company, I would want to hire people who produce stuff like these guys . If they come out with products in the future I want to know. Yeah. So go enjoy. And yes I do know that I write like a lap dog on speed who just saw his favorite chew toy.

I choked last night

Yes, I choked last night. And don't worry, I'll be fine. It's only my pride that was harmed. You see, I choked on a lvl 48 priestie. A squishy priestie that I should've been able to take (at least give a really good fight). But I choked. My new pet (ooh, I forgot to mention that. Susan is taking some r&r at the moment and I went out and captured King Bang-somethingorother from Stranglethorn Vale. He's pretty and his name is Twilight) and I were farming mageweave for Dammy in Tanaris. I have humanoid tracking on by default when I'm on Beowulfa at night 'cause I at least like to see what's hitting me, even if it only takes one hit. The mobs were easy, I was alternating using bestial wrath and intimidation depending on how many I decided to attack at once. We were finishing up a mob when I saw the telltale red dot. I still had most of my mana (I like to conserve conserve conserve-might be because I'm just slightly ocd and I don't like...

Too much time.

So today is a holiday. Which means that for my work place life is dreary slow. A few book-keeping items: I think we've decided to no longer make any effort to post on weekends, so we will become a M-F sometimes Saturday blog. And the other item is that after I post this I plan to put our planned posting schedule in one of the paragraphs above and to the left. Also I think I'm going to add a section linking to all of the Pox Arcanum people as well. I suddenly realized I have very little to say today. /meanders off for now.