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Showing posts from June 29, 2008

Yet another delayed Wednesday post.

So wednesday was the day of posting. You'll be seeing this Saturday. Way after I've done gone and reacted to what I'm writing here. I hit wow burnout. I thought about it cried about it etc. So I'm poking around at work finishing up my stuff and thinking about how I just want to mess around in the game. Not try hard to speed level etc. Up till now I was thinking I would take a big huge break at 60. But looks like that won't happen. I'm thinking about working on that Twink I promised Ess. The one we were going to run battlegrounds with? Yeah...she's still level 8 or 9. I got all wrapped up in my druid. Low levels are so easy/fun that I could breeze through them and not be bored. Also I've got clothmaking at super high levels now so I could actually make myself a complete set of that azure blue stuff that frost mages love. That would be fun. I think I may do that tonight. Unless Stargate Atlantis claims me. I really enjoy sitting with Wulfa on the floor and...

Cloth Metal Magnets Walls of Grey

Ignoring my nonsense title, this is a ramble. Wednesday was really slow for me so a lot of posts happened. I like Staffs more than daggers which I like more than spears which I like more than swords which I like more than axes which I like more than maces. I like robes, capes and cloth armwraps. I also like beads. I dislike most helmets. I like stone. I don't like mud. I tend to dislike magic based systems but don't even notice martial arts systems that allow people to do semi magical things(Naruto works, Potter doesn't). I love titles. Especially social ones that designate things like gender/age/status. I love it when villians that are obviously way beyond the reach of the heroes don't bother to even talk to them. I love it when blustery people are ignored with force. In fiction and games where you play against the computer I don't believe in balanced worlds. Sometimes there simply isn't any way to win. It can be fun to lose. In games where you are pla...

I'm with Dammy ...

We both got just a wee bit burned out. You already know why he got burned out. I got burned out because the dern game requires a group to get the gear I want and I want the gear now. Welcome to the life of a 70, no? =) So Dammy is going to research gear that I can acquire by myself, no dependency on others. And apparently the Netherwing dailies require you to kill this big dude which requires a 5-man ..... why must they make me group! =( I enjoy partying, I really do, but I hate trying to get a group together. I hate thinking it's going to happen and then we fall short by one person. Please understand, my guild is awesome and the people in it are as well-I ain't upset at them. I am ranting just a wee bit right now. Not quite sure how long my burn-out will last ... tonight we have a group that will hit up an instance or two. Maybe a piece of gear will drop for me and I will love the world again. And if it doesn't you don't want to be near me, or at least your ears don...


I hate the level 40-50 stretch. Oh how I hate it. It is really easy to burn my way to level 40. But at 40 I look around and think...huh bleh. I've been taking a bit of a break. Saturday night got really rough. So Sunday I didn't log in at all. I logged in for about 20 min on Monday to get myself into darnassus and buy a mount. Then I got off. Tuesday I didn't log in at all. Today I'm looking at doing Pox but more and more I'm less prepared before the instance... I'm getting really sloppy as a tank. And I'm not really looking forwards to it. I'm deffinitly suffering from burnout of a sort. I'm not wanting to do any sort of playing, or even blogging. My idea of a good time at this point is sitting on my living room floor bouncing a ball of the wall over and over again like the guy in Great Escape. Bleargh.

A couple of research links.

Oh noes.

As my upcoming post(due sometime AM on thursday) from earlier this morning will tell you.. life's been hating on wow recently. However it just got a heck of a lot worse. I respecced boomkin at level 40. And I think I like it.


So yeah... Sorry. Yesterday I was home all day. Wulfa was home all day. Not sure how the post didn't happen. But it didn't. So here I go to make up the time: 1) Do you like toast with butter/spread of with something else on top, like peanut butter, chocolate spread or strawberry jam? I like Toast with butter and jam, I like toast with peanut butter and honey. I like toast with peanut butter and the powder you use to make chocolate milk. I also just like toast. 2) Any tips or tricks about raising a little Orclette and balancing WoW time and work? Remember first that she always comes first. Make sure she knows this. Then make sure she has plenty of face time and play time and cuddle time and talking time. Then remember that you are allowed to have time to yourself. Balance it all. But keep the bigger end of the balance in orclette time. You should never be playing while she is crying. EVER. This is my rough guidelines, in something like this its hard to set hard rules, but I neve...

Werewolves are always better.

The question answering post will come tomorrow. Sunday was too busy. I just finished reading Twilight and New Moon . When I first started Twilight I wasn't impressed, it seemed slow and bleh and very teen dating girl story. Last night I got home at about midnight... I picked up New Moon. I was only going to read the ending to the scene that starts in the back of Twilight.... I didn't get much sleep last night(due to finishing New Moon). I'm loving the series. Although, wow these vamps scare me. Why? Because they are harder to kill. After reading the first book I spent 20 min thinking of counters. For a counter to be valid it has to be balanced. I can't just say "I'm superman and Vampires are deathly allergic to me and I heal like wolverine and have a robot army." (although when I ran into the aliens from Alien/Aliens/AvP for the first time, my counter at the time was almost exactly that.) I came up with the Dancer. He's a completely normal ...