Like many of us, I shop at Walmart. It's cheaper, it's got a big selection and you can get your photos printed. Unfortunately, depending where you live, it's also a depressing place to go into. The one where we live is always crowded and the employees look (to me, anyway) dejected. I will also add, although it's horrible to say, that all elements of society go there, and, well, hmmph. Not going to proceed with that statement; it's too uppity:) Maybe it's just our city; in Missouri the local Walmart was a lovely place to go, the employees were bright and friendly, the place was clean and didn't make me cringe. Anyway, we do have another option in Albertson's, another grocery store chain. The prices are higher and they don't have as broad a selection but it's clean, well-staffed and the lines are never longer than three-deep. It's pleasant to be in the store and the people that shop there are mostly retirees and the younger profession...
Two of we, plus three of ours, makes five of us.