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Showing posts from April 24, 2011


Draw in power lab

At the end I love everybody.

The week before finals. We are almost done, the finish line is in sight. Suddenly I am sad, nostalgic, and my teachers are the BEST TEACHERS EVER. The professor that scrawled "Irrelevant!" through part of my paper? He is just the nicest person ever. The professor that was horribly unorganized? Well, I actually always liked that particular professor. The professor that scared me because of her sheer awesomeness (Kung Fu Panda reference!)? I'll take her anytime because she inspired me to reach new heights in my academic achievements! and so on and so forth. It happens with places we've lived as well. Missouri? While I was there I complained ALL THE TIME. No friends, no direction in life, nothing to do ever, etc. Then we left, and all I can remember is the good stuff. Hanging out with cousins, eating pizza, the breeze through my window, our bedroom where the Orclette and I watched countless hours of t.v. (she was still a baby and couldn't do anything interesting yet)...