Ignoring for the moment that Many bosses are immune to daze effects. And using the following values: Steady Shot is 35% of your damage. Steady Shot hits for 700 damage for you. Having a mob dazed would increase your Steady shot damage by 20%(based on a base extra 175 damage according to wowWiki). If a mob was dazed 100% of the time your dps would increase by 8.59% If a mob was dazed 9.6% of the time(my estimate on how much Concussive Barrage would keep a single mob dazed) then your dps would increase by .73% -The Rogue Combat Talent Blade Twisting gives the rogue a 10%/20% to daze a target for 8 seconds when using their Sinister Strike, Backstab, Gouge or Shiv abilities. -A Paladin's Avenger's Shield, acquired by talent, "dazes" 3 targets. -Mages have the talent-trained Blast Wave which dazes all enemies in an area. -Hunters have Concussive Shot, which dazes the target for 4 seconds, and a talent in their Marksmanship tree called Concussive Barrage which grants their ...
Two of we, plus three of ours, makes five of us.