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Showing posts from May 4, 2008

Dazed and confuzzled.

Ignoring for the moment that Many bosses are immune to daze effects. And using the following values: Steady Shot is 35% of your damage. Steady Shot hits for 700 damage for you. Having a mob dazed would increase your Steady shot damage by 20%(based on a base extra 175 damage according to wowWiki). If a mob was dazed 100% of the time your dps would increase by 8.59% If a mob was dazed 9.6% of the time(my estimate on how much Concussive Barrage would keep a single mob dazed) then your dps would increase by .73% -The Rogue Combat Talent Blade Twisting gives the rogue a 10%/20% to daze a target for 8 seconds when using their Sinister Strike, Backstab, Gouge or Shiv abilities. -A Paladin's Avenger's Shield, acquired by talent, "dazes" 3 targets. -Mages have the talent-trained Blast Wave which dazes all enemies in an area. -Hunters have Concussive Shot, which dazes the target for 4 seconds, and a talent in their Marksmanship tree called Concussive Barrage which grants their ...


Someone I just met had a cool idea and then a slight problem. So I came up with a solution. A small metal tube that would allow air to come in while the gas goes out. Here is my elegant picture:

This one's for the Orc Wife

You can make me sob when you fail to pull the mob You can whine for water all the time Or you can tell your friends just what a fool I've been And laugh and joke about this spec of mine You can tell my guild that I'm a ninja still You can tell my tank to let me die Or you can tell my priest to always heal me least I won't tell them that you always lie But don't break my sheep, my achy breaky sheep You just can't take that agro now And if you break my sheep, my achy breaky sheep The raid will wipe and kill this man Ooo You can take my kills and judge me with your seals Or you can tell your pet to go and gore my leg Or tell your warlock Biff, to fear me off a cliff He never really liked me anyway Oh break a trap or two, I won't tell the hunter who Shackle isn't worthwhile anyways. You can DPS mobs right and left ignoring threat and driving us insane. But don't break my sheep, my achy breaky sheep You just can't take that agro now And if you break ...

A Tale of Two Orcs

I think some background is necessary for you to understand the full import of my story. I am not by nature a romantic person. I have to schedule cuddle time-it's just not something that I do. Black leather and all the toys that come with it are probably more my style if I ever had the extra cash to spend on stuff like that. But that is not Dammy's style. He likes the cuddling, the sitting still, the romantic country songs (it sounds like all the dudes that sing country are whining about love and all the women are out at the bars trying to have some fun), the words of love, etc. Soooo. There is one notable exception to my non-cuddliness. Set me up with a movie (best if the sun has gone down), watch it with me. I think this comes from when we were dating and dark theaters were the perfect spot for a quick makeout session and movie rentals often were only half-watched. Anyway, I have said that if Dammy will watch movies with me he shall be rewarded. Repeatedly. So this ev...

This is for the Icky.

So she wants to buy herself a present eh? Well based on my idea in the comments: Tada! Also, a new poll. My answer was 5-10,10-15.

Writing in advance.

One thing I've been trying to do is write all my posts well in advance. Now this hasn't increased my post quality as they are all still very much just hashed out whenever I feel like but what it will hopefully do is control my urge to post 3-4 times a day. And give me material for those days when I do not feel like posting. I don't like the posting 3-4 times in a day because I noticed I get bored of places that update that quickly....doing it once a month is okay but if you post too often then I feel like you did not take much time to think about what you are writing and you want me to just read scribblins. I really dislike it when I do this and am hoping that by forcing myself to only one post a day I will be improving my writing. I like what I write when I take a lot of time on something but I despise most of the things I hastily bash out. I have story ideas that I want to write but I'm not quite sure how to make time in my evening for them. Anyone else have this ...

The process.

Twitter scares me. I don't have twitter. Twitter shouldn't scare me. I shall investigate. My workplace apparently doesn't block twitter's main site. I'm tempted to get twitter. TJ has twitter. I think about theoreticly getting Twitter. The Time FBI take notice and send me a fax. It is a most wanted list. On it? Is twitter. Twitter is like a mass-time-murderer. Twitter really scares me.


A text message I recieved this morning that I found... cool interesting odd. "325 gold and your daughter is a punk" This sentance gives me a huge picture of what is happening at home. And is nifty for that reason. Small clarification: I don't actually have or use Twitter. I was using that noun because the email reminded me of it.

My computer.

My awesome christmas present Laptop is used 85% of the time by Wulfa because it lets her play on our bed while Orclette sleeps. So I currently play WoW using the following: 1022mB RAM Pentium 4 3ghz 2CPU Directx 9 SB Audigy 2 Audio D80 Intel($) 82865G Graphics Controller 96 meg A monitor that I belive is 11 inches by 10 inches. My brother assures me that improving my RAM is the best thing I could do with my limited funds. Eventually I want to get a new monitor, a graphics card, and more RAM. My question is what do you think would be the best thing to improve first?

Musings of a Wulfa

You know you play WOW when: #1. You're out walking in the bright sunshine, chatting with Dammy, when out of the corner of your left eye you see a bright green substance-it's a slime monster! And then you take a clooser look and it's only algae/moss (my biology knowledge is really not good) .... #2. Out of the corner of your right eye you see briarthorn and you move your hand to bring the mouse over it to gather it-and then you remember you're driving and it couldn't possibly be briarthorn. Closer inspection reveals it to be one of those huge cylindrical concrete thingies they use for road construction ...... -It had to be this morning that Orclette hid our remotes. I reconciled myself to the fact that I would not be doing my Cathe Freidrich video this morning and figured I'd play a bit of WOW. Logged on and remembered that it's maintenance day. I was sufficiently aggitated anough to want to throw something ...... -My very first hunter has been given...


So if your cat does 25% of your damage ...then going to a bear would be a 4.32% reduction in your overall dps.* I take it this is a horrible thing? I'm asking this because bears are COOL. Not sort of cool but wow I'm awesome. But I don't want to level up a bear to 70 and get all attached to the bugger only to find out that a 4-5% reduction in dps is amazingly huge. P.S. I'm incredibly for T.C.N.O.H.P.** Being the incredibly introspective, but not insightful person I am I wonder what other bloggers think my style is....this thought comes from Megan and Matt doing their 'how to blog' posts. I've decided that my personal blogging style is "vacilitate a lot and change subjects and misspell things". So I shall continue. Vent makes me speak funny. I'm constantly realizing that I haven't thought out my sentences in advance. Also I talk a lot. At least when I type I think about 3 words in advance and don't "UHM" so much. I ...

Nothing great to say.

Didn't hit 30(only 28). Got a Whiskers-the-Rat. Did ding Revered on my 2nd race... Dammerung the hunter is now Revered with Humans and Spacegoats and honored with everyone else. Did get to do two instances with Sidhe Devils. Did find this hillarious. Very tired even though the weekend was very relaxing and I slept a lot. Angharad the level 45ish NE hunter that Wulfa used to play is now Wulfa the level 46 NE hunter on Kael'Thas. So very sleepy. P.S. 1) I agree florida is really a suburb of boston but circling it with yellow would have been confusing. 2) Technically didn't Bill clinton come from what I have labeled as Border States? 3) Hawaii is really just part of austrailia ... and Alaska is where the North Pole is so it doesn't count as part of the US. Also: I had an amazing time at the Running. I was able to chat with Abuto and Ess and had a chance to die. All in all it was great. But like the smart orc I am I completely forgot screenshots. Please go here , or h...

Here is a pictorial example of how I view the US.

Here is a pictorial example of how I view the US. Yes I do know the actual geographic regions but I like my view and it works for me. P.S. Wulfa will likely point out that MD and VA were southern states during the war... She's very proprietary over what you call Virginians. Well thats that.