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Musings of a Wulfa

You know you play WOW when:
#1. You're out walking in the bright sunshine, chatting with Dammy, when out of the corner of your left eye you see a bright green substance-it's a slime monster! And then you take a clooser look and it's only algae/moss (my biology knowledge is really not good) ....
#2. Out of the corner of your right eye you see briarthorn and you move your hand to bring the mouse over it to gather it-and then you remember you're driving and it couldn't possibly be briarthorn. Closer inspection reveals it to be one of those huge cylindrical concrete thingies they use for road construction ......

-It had to be this morning that Orclette hid our remotes. I reconciled myself to the fact that I would not be doing my Cathe Freidrich video this morning and figured I'd play a bit of WOW. Logged on and remembered that it's maintenance day. I was sufficiently aggitated anough to want to throw something ......

-My very first hunter has been given new life and a new name. Angharad was transferred over to Kael'thas to join BBB's guild. Someone had already taken her name so I renamed her Wulfa. I now have a Beowulfa/Wulfa Horde side and Alliance side. At least you'll know who I am .... She's almost lvl 48. Seeing as she was my first hunter, I didn't know anything. That's my disclaimer. When she hit 40 that meant I could wear mail-and anything mail is better than the agility-laden leather stuff I had, right? So I found her wearing gloves that were gray, a chestpiece with stamina & strength (or was it spirit?), and little agility. Her reputation is horrible. She's not even revered with her own faction (NE). Beowulfa hit that when she was lvl 20 (the alliance one). But-I have bought new gear, she has more agility than Horde-Beowulfa had at her level so I'm happy. And she has two kitty mounts. I love the NE mounts. Absoballylutely my favorites (1000 rep to the person who can tell me where absoballylutely-or a very close derivation-comes from. Hint: they put these books in both the kids section and the sci-fi section).

-Beowulfa (alliance) is our Kael'thas banker. She's spending a lot of time in Darnassus and not a whole lot leveling. I'm thinking she'll hang out there until I get Wulfa to 70. I really want to be able to play with the big kids when they bring out their big guns (i.e. all their lvl 70's). At the same time, I'd like to have a healer because I know how very useful they are. And I do like healing, so I'd be combining my desire to be helpful with what I want to do, and thus not anger BBB while helping my uber-cool guild ......

-icecream is good. Blizzards are even better.

-my little brother is dating. This is the one we thought would be married with kids before the rest of us even thought about adding to the family tree. Laugh's on me, I guess ... Anyway, I don't know all the details because I have yet to talk to the brother that's doing the dating and have only talked to the other brother (younger than me but older than dating brother) and thus have only his take on the situation. Basically, a friend of younger brother has a sister who wants to go to her prom. She's good-looking, intelligent, and I'm guessing is not afraid of sharing her views, expressing herself, in short-very confident. And she doesn't have a boyfriend 'cause they're all scared of her (I have the upmost sympathy for her as I had the same problem ...). She didn't really want to take any dudes from her loser-list (the middle brother's words-not hers) so her brother suggested my brother. And they've been out on two extra dates already. So we'll see how this goes ..... sniff. My little brother is growing up. I had the same reaction when I walked into a bar that my other brother plays at (music). "He associates with these people?!" (My family was not into bar/pub going.) He's very proud of the fact that although he's been offered/bought drinks he has yet to partake. Maybe he's learned from my example (as the requisite "bad" child I got drunk 2 times and had horrible hangovers the next day).

-Last night we left Orclette with her babysitter. Or rather with her babysitter's brother (they're Orclette's cousins) because babysitter wasn't back yet. We're thinking that was the problem. She did not like how all that happened. And when I got back she was playing contentedly with babysitter until she saw me. Her face crumpled, tears flowed, and cries of rage issued forth. She was very, very unhappy with me.

Ok, random musings are done. I don't have my posts on a set timer yet like dammy so his will post over this one, but we know who you really want to read :)

Update: The remotes have been found. One Orclette stashed in the laundry bin, the other she shoved under the dresser.

Heads Up: Pictures have been requested of me w/ my awesome hunter shirt and of the Orclette. Pictures shall be supplied, once Dammy shows me how to upload them ......


Byrd said…
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Byrd said…
Haha, just guessing now but is it "The Anatomy of Swearing"? I cheated and looked it up...
Dammerung said…
Nope and nope!

Although it might have rabbits in it.

This is dammerung who would tell you but he isn't sure he's allowed to.
Byrd said…
Curses... lol, I dunno?
Beowulfa said…
The origin of absoballylutely, well, at least the first time I saw it, was "The Long Patrol" by Brian Jacques.

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