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Showing posts from July 26, 2009


Short post incase I don't get a chance to post one later. Tomorrow I'm hoping to phase up to phase 5. This will mean less formations, civilian clothes on weekends, and no more having to get a pass to go to the library and PX. School is BORING. So far we are just -barely- grazing stuff that another MOS does... not even looking at the stuff that we mainly do yet. Gah. Need to cut down on sugar intake. Selfcontrol is badly needed. PT is harder but we didn't PT on Thursday or Friday... grrrrrr. Hoping that next week the First Sargeant will lift the "have to be marched to chow" mandate and we will be allowed to battle buddy back. This would be awesome. And thats it.

Going going gone

My energy is failing, flagging, flying away. It waved to me and gave a little smirk. I was unable to give chase and so it is gone. /cry. Despite this I managed to console the Orclette who apparently woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning. I offered her food, water, chocolate (she usually gets a bit as part of our morning routine), cuddling. She would have none of it. So she went to the other side of the room and flung herself tragically down upon the carpet. She would occasionally lift her head to see what I was doing and would burst into fake tears everytime she saw me reading. Eventually, however, she was coaxed into a better mood and we had a pleasant rest of the morning. I also pulled out my Cathe Friedrich "Butts & Guts" dvd. I'm not able to do the guts portion and I can only do part of the butts portion. But wow-I'm already sore. A good sore-it's been awhile since I've done any lower-body work. After that I got onto my elliptical for a nic...

Back Burner once again

I canceled my WoW account again. Just until Damm gets back in November. He's got our laptop and I don't foresee having the funds to buy another one in the near future so right now I'm stuck with a dinosaur of a PC that adds tremendously to the temperature in our swamp-cooled apartment. So I only turn it on early in the morning and at night. /sigh. Wulfa was 200K from level 80. But once Damm gets back we'll most likely start playing again to some extent. We'll see how us both being in school + 2 kids works out. I'm counting on not being as tired-last semester I'd fall asleep at 7 p.m. all the time. As soon as the Orclette made her appearance in the world I regained most of my energy and was able to stay up til the far more normal time of 10 p.m. So I hope the same thing happens with child#2. And that would mean we could play at night. Once our homework was done, of course. These last 2 weeks are frustrating. I mentioned that the little tyke is approaching 81/...

And we are having ...

Child #2 was at first resistant to being ID. The foot was square over the private area for most of the ultrasound. The tech, knowing that I wished to know what the sex was, did all in her power to make that little foot move. Finally, it moved ever so slightly and we saw evidence. Not the entirety, mind you, but enough to figure out that child #2 will be a boy. Although I would've been happy with either, I think I was expecting a girl because I was rather surprised. All of a sudden I wasn't sure about the names we had picked for a boy. But after hearing them said by mom-in-law, mother, brothers, etc., it doesn't freak me out so much. Other things are freaking me out. To circumcise or not to? My family didn't do it. Damm's family did. However Damm will not be here. And I don't like the idea. So there's that little issue to ponder ... and there are very few cute boy clothes. They all have trucks on them and are clashing colors of blue and red and yellow. And wh...


And I have -some- internet access here at AIT. Yay. I have slept less here than in Basic. A fact that I keep ruminating over in perpetual astonishment. Also I am constantly amazed at how easily everyone forgets what little discipline they had in Basic. We get smoked(lots of PT used as a punishment) regularly because while in formation for less than 5 min people are unable to -not- talk. Ahah. Just found out no webcomics in this library(a nice librarian came up and said: "you can't do these over here(pointing at the screen) this type of stuff"). Yay..... Class for my MOS(job) is easy... very easy. Like the sargents are constantly saying... the Army is 5th grade level. You just need to know how to SHUT UP and how to do PT. Oh... with regards to PT. I easily pass the run(60% is passing I was up to 80% at the end of basic). And the pushups and situps I'm in the mid 60's. Although I've been sick this past week and did nothing(due to graduating basic) ...