School started today. I have the following courses: Spanish 211: the final semester! Egyptian History: I'm most excited about this course. First class tomorrow-I'm looking forward to getting the syllabus. Yes, I'm a nerd. 20th Century European History: Recently took the survey course. This class I'm taking because it falls in the correct time slot. I think it'll be interesting, however. Teaching History: Online, and something I'm interested in. I think it's gonna be great-the teacher sent out an email today that basically said he'll get us more info about the course on Monday. I love my history department. All of the courses have been awesome, but organization has not always been a strong point. So are you ready? Four months of being immersed in this stuff, I'm gonna want to share all my newfound knowledge. I restrained myself last semester-only a couple papers/thoughts were shared. That was in part because we were overstressed and overworked. Our sc...
Two of we, plus three of ours, makes five of us.