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Merry Christmas!

Yes, I know Christmas has already passed us by. It was fun. But Damm and I weren't done with the gift-giving yet; we just had to wait for our budget to be replenished. It has, and we had a lot of fun spending some of it yesterday.

(Drum roll.)

We bought a treadmill!

(Waiting for excited applause. Hearing crickets.)

So we are very excited about this purchase. A 10 minute drive to the gym doesn't sound too bad except when two people have to do it back-to-back. And those two people have no time to spare during the school semester. Now we just have to muster the willpower to hop on the treadmill in our living room while our kids are watching t.v. Easy peasy.

Other exciting Wulfaland news: I injured my ITB band. I always feel like I'm adding an unnecessary word, but I think ITB=iliotibial, so I'm justified in adding the "band" as well. I could be wrong. Anyway, I think a combination of too many hills during training and really old shoes caused the injury, and I have rectified both problems. Hopefully I'll be able to get back on track training for the 15-mile run I'm doing with my dad in March.

Vaguely related to exercising and treadmills: Miniwolf is weaned! And he slept through the night in his own bed! It's related to exercising because exercise and diet are linked, in my mind, and Miniorc feeding himself means I eat less. It's linked to treadmills because I ran on our new treadmill for the first time this morning, and woke up to discover him sleeping peacefully on his bed, rather than snuggled in with us (I'm not always aware of our children climbing into bed with us, but frequently I'll end up with two little warm bodies pressed tight against me. Not entirely sure how I could miss that happening, but oh well).

Wow. I need coffee. I can feel more inane conversation trying to come out through my fingertips. That is what happens when one stays up late playing WoW and then gets up at 5 a.m. to run. Laters.


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