Before you get all excited about me dishing about WotLK, let me mention that the only thing I know about the expansion is that you get to lvl to 80. The place is called Northrend. There are death knights. And some pretty cool hunter stuff. And that be it. I didn't plan on thinking about WotLK. I'm still not thinking about it. I find, however, that I'm very much planning for it. See, when BC came out I had a lvl 30ish hunter. A year or two later I get her to 70, decide I want another 70, take a look around at my characters, and cry. Nothing even close. So this time around I want at least one or two toons within striking distance of 80. So Beowulfa, long-retired shadow vixen, has come out of retirement. She's currently 1/3 of the way to 31 and enjoying herself immensely. VE is awesome. Her gear looks hawt. And she's optimum when she's killing one mob at a time, which is my preferred play style. We is happy. The goal is to get her to 60 before WotLK comes out. I...