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Showing posts from May 2, 2010


So it's been two weeks. Today, for the first time, I made the conscious decision to push it during the workout. Before this I'd been surviving. Damm hasn't been eating enough-he has had that feeling of total exhaustion. So we'll be tweeking his eating, adding in more protein and carbs. I already had started eating more because my LittleMan upped his eating and I couldn't function at the caloric level I had been at. And today we added the last new workout for this month: Cardio Abs. I had to rip off my shirt at that point, just like the dudes in the video, because it was dripping . And I was in the safety of my living room. No crunches, yet extremely hard. And at this point I'm not going to continue daily postings on INSANITY. I'll post our Fit Tests, Measurements, and Weight, but the rest of this month we'll be doing the same workouts. When we hit Month 2 I probably will post once a day for at least a week, just so you can share in our pain. That count...


The day got away from me. Stayed up waaaaay to late last night. Had some fun with the guildies downing Onyxia, although I got meself incindered fairly early on. One of my favorite people-Shrinnpoof-was also on, and once again we were Queens of the Emotes. Brought back memories of running Kara, us busily whispering and totally not paying attention to where we were going ... The good 'ol days. But back on topic. Stayed up too late, woke up not wanting to do anything. We're in the difficult portion of any exercise routine: the 2nd week. The first week you're all hyped up, carrying through on pure adrenaline. The second week? You're starting to question why the heck you wanted to do this in the first place and you don't yet have the results you're working so hard for. But we are soldiering through, encouraged and bolstered by the following text from my baby brother, who is also doing INSANITY: "The second month of INSANITY is insane ." Whee. Just whee. So ...


I need to buy one of those pushup assister thingies. The ones that take the stress off the wrists. My right wrist is just not healing. And that would stink, being felled by a wrist. Anyway. Today was Cardio Recovery Day. I thought about wearing my robe and pajamas but it's not that easy. That was my mindset this morning, however. Day off mentality and all. Helped by the fact THAT I AM DONE WITH THIS SEMESTER. Chemistry final was yesterday. I probably got a C but I think there's a good chance that I got a B .... either way I believe I'm earning a B for the entire course. And that's it. I didn't think of any workout words of wisdom this morning. Nor do I have any recipes to share. It's good to take a mental break every once in awhile, just as a day off does wonders for your muscles when you're working out hard. So tomorrow my mental muscles should be ready to go and pumping at full steam. Right? right. So until tomorrow, Wulfa the Workout Maven checking out. ...

This blog has been taken over

by wulfa and her workout posts! Dang it! I'm enjoying the workout and already feeling some of the results which has been nice. fSo to counter act her RL infusion; let me point you at my latest character: Stockings ================================================================= Stockings is a cheerful little goblin. He has forest green hair and emerald eyes, a charcoal grey skin tone and slightly pointed ears. His teeth are brilliantly white from daily polishing and are appropriately sharp. He stands about 3'4" tall and weighs maybe 45 pounds. His most noticeable feature is the bulging socks that hang from his chain mail armor.... they sway as he walks and emit a hollow clacking sound. He is very protective of these socks, always checking that they are there and the same weight. Under his armor you can just make out the vestiges of a silver ephod , it has definitely seen better days. Across Stockings back is a quiver and bow and a pouch stuffed to the brim w...


Whee. 10 days completed. For both of us that's the longest we've exercised without taking more than a day break in awhile. Today was Plyometric Cardio Circuit. It was rough. Rougher than normal, even. That's what having pizza and icecream the night before will do to one. You see, last night we dropped off the kids at the grandma's and had the first date night we've had in a month. Or more-I'm not sure. It was glamorous-we finished watching The Princess and The Frog, ordered pizza, and had icecream. And while we were watching the movie we both were busy on our laptops, sitting on different chairs. It was awesome. That's what having small children will do to you-even mundane things are way fun if you don't have to watch kids while doing them. And after consuming the pizza and icecream and while we were both feeling rather sated and fat, we came to a decision. No more of our usual "indulgence" foods for the duration of our INSANITY workout. We bot...

Ishvi is a saint.

"And I laughed at the badguy and they went raaaargh and badguys laughed and the momma badguy had got a baby and the baby badguy and momma badguy and daddy badguy were sleeping and raaaaaaaaaaaaargh and they were not coming in and there was a badguy momma and the daddy and the baby were with her and the momma lifted her leg up and her toe up and that was not funny and and I got a toy and i broke it and we and we and me and my monster fall a sleep with me and I feed him." That was 30 seconds of a 10 min phone call with his neice(orclette). She had a blast... she prattled on and on and on and on.


Ok, question for all you readers: what type of recovery food/liquids do you like to consume? INSANITY/p90X sells a recovery formula but it's way too expensive for our budget. And I kinda do want something for those mornings that I can't eat my specially-made, nutrition-packed breakfast bars (recipe to come). And Damm still won't give up his sugary, really-bad-for-you oatmeal that has no protein in it nor essential vitamins and minerals. I've heard chocolate milk does wonders ... that combined with a banana? I've never really liked to use supplements but INSANITY is kicking my butt and I want to make sure I'm doing everything I can to facilitate recovery and results. Today was Pure Cardio again. I did better-not as many breaks-but the pushups are still hard. I just cannot go at the pace everyone-including the women-are going at. It'll come. I really hope. They have some awesome arm muscles. And I'm beginning to feels my abs participate in the workout. I...



The 3-day hiatus from INSANITY was not my friend. Moves that were easy on Thursday I could not do today. I foresee aching muscles and hobbling. And I wasn't careful enough doing the pushups-my right wrist and elbow are a bit achy. I guess I'll be buying sports tape. And making sure I've planned for the worst-case scenario: carpal tunnel. Again. If that happens I'll substitute the workouts that don't incorporate pushups. Not ideal, but better than quitting. And that brings me to my sermon today. Never, ever, ever , give up. When you are beginning your journey towards fitness, towards better health, or whatever, keep the big picture in mind. Do you want to be healthy for your kids as they grow up, go to college, and have grandbabies that you're gonna want to play with? Then don't be overly concerned about small failures. One missed workout is not a big deal. It's a part of life. Are you trying to lose weight? Then remember that-hopefully-your goal is to be...