Fishing 125 yay. Cooking 132? Starting to get close to my level cap for these and am worried because I cannot find anyone to train me in expert cooking or fishing. Someone said that someone told them that a book in Booty Bay could teach you. Although how a book is going to show you how to fish I do not know. Seems like books would avoid water. Some things I hate about being on a pvp server.... hilsbrad is full of angry upset alliance people. and I value my greenish-blue booty too much to wander over there just for the fish I desperately want. Thats right. I want sagefish. And the only place I know of to find them is hilsbrad's river. I do listen. I swear. Ratshag says stay 2handed, because it does more damage. And I'm back to using my ugly staff of WHOMPING. Someone else says stay enhancement because it makes leveling easier... this I disagree with. I think that newbie shamans should go elemental until level 30(when you get windfury weapon prot). At 30 I w...
Two of we, plus three of ours, makes five of us.