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Showing posts from October 19, 2008


So. Me and Moon have picked up on the Recruit-a-friend bonuses. Last night we created new toons on the 'hoof and /played 4 hours later were level 16. 1 hour of that was Moon being der and trying in vain to find a trainer in Silvermoon(whatever the Belf city is called) so that he could tame a pet. Turns out the bloodelves don't particularly like Tauren and he had to walk his ugly butt back to Mulgore. And because I had summoned him the first time he came over..... he had no flightpoints. My newest toon is named Xuun. Named after the -awesomely- named Ruune of Kael'thas. Xuun is an undead rogue. Very unique I know. Moon's toon is Bigkitten. Sigh. He's a cow hunter and before we got off he was sportin a cat. We made level 16 with only doing 1 ghostlands quest. We had to abandon 6 or so quests because they went grey on us. This kind of leveling is insanely fun. Even if I'm running around sporting mostly whites. ==========================================...

Beowulfa the Great

These days when I log onto Wulfa I feel out of sorts. My shot rotation is different, the pet I have out all the time now is different, and heck her hair is different. Plus it's been all about the shadow priest. Took Beowulfa into MgT regular last night. I will unfortunately have to do that again as I did not complete the quest. I realized my mistake as soon as I teleported out and ran back inside but was unable to loot Kael'thas's head :( Ah well. Made out like a bandit with loot. I was fairly happy with Beo's damage; nothing like Wulfa's but more than I was expecting. I have Control Freak and Decursive ... I've played around with them but haven't yet used them in a party situation. I think I'm gonna like partying with a shadow priestie. I'd better, I'm taking her into Kara tonight. I know it's been nerfed and that Beo should be fine but still I'm a wee bit nervous. I've looked at all the fights through a hunter's eyes, not as a s...


If I have your cell phone number, be warned: you might start recieving some odd phone calls. The person will call and will either say nothing OR will start a very animated, very unintelligible conversation. Then you will hear a "what are you doing!?" and the phone will shut off. A few minutes later wash, rinse, repeat. The Orclette has figured out that she can call people. She will talk to them, and they will talk back. And she thinks it's the most awesome thing in the world. So be warned.

This was a careful response

To ego's post here: But then something happened. My point was that Achievements give EXACTLY the same amount of real life reward as any other pixel in this game. So if you like them don't be ashamed. But seriously... my post was awesome. I used big words and spellchecked and I sounded brilliant. I was going to be linked by EVERYONE and was going to be praised for my amazing thoughts. Intstead ... you get a screenshot and a bunch of no spelling. Oh and TJ got a post out of my frustrations.

On Hunters.

Someone thinks that we all have secret hunter alts that we secretly love. Heck no. That hunter? The level 50 one over there? The only reason he hasn't typed out D-E-L-E-T-E is because he's level 50. And I'm lothe to delete 40+. I hates him. His face has this blank expression. His pet isn't cuddly and he holds a gun wierd. Stupid hunter. I regret him daily. If he didn't exist my Druid would have tagged 70 already. So would my Shaman. I don't like huntering, line of site ..blegh... no healing... bleagh... no shinies. I'll leave that to her. Maybe I should type D-E-L-E-T-E.... it isn't like I've regretted giving up my paladin. And hunters are practically paladins. Both are boring. Cept Wulfa... but she's the exception that proves the rule. But I don't like him. Bleh no. I'd rather play a rogue. STABBITY!!!!!!!!!!! **At this point the Author walked away whining about no time to level his rogue.

The Orclette and Wulfa

Thursday night the Orclette was on edge. We had spent the evening stuffing our van as full as it could possibly get. Our house looked emptyish. Friday morning she woke up at 5:30 with the rest of us and wouldn't let her daddy out of her sight. 6:30 they left and our weekend of fun began. We started by watching "The Holiday". I settled down with my coffee and chocolate, she had her Fiber One poptart. And she cuddled up on my lap for a good hour, something she hasn't done before. I'll admit: that movie will now be ranked among my favorites simply because of the memories associated with it. The Orclette just doesn't sit still very often. We spent the rest of the day lying in bed watching movies, walking to the store to stock up on more poptarts and light Pringles, and playing WoW. Well, I was, not the Orclette. She conked out at 6:30 that evening leaving me free to play to my heart's content. Got Beowulfa halfway to 70 that night. The next day was much like F...


Well, not really. I do have a situation though. You see, I have 3 main toons right now. They are, and try real hard to remember cause there will be a quiz: Wulfa, Beowulfa, and Beowulfa. Wulfa alliance hunter will be keeping her name. Beowulfa shadow priestie has been my most recent project and therefore will not be losing her name either. Beowulfa horde hunter has been in the inn for a while and could get away with a name change. So I've decided to go ahead and do it. Problem is, I have no clue what to name her. I want to stay with my "wolf" theme; it has to be something that I can pronounce or shorten in order to pronounce. It should be a strong name to reflect her character. She has a cat named Twilight and a devilsaur named Wash. She's rather serious, doesn't like to kid around. She's fierce looking and likes it that way. So. Any thoughts on what I should rename her?


Beowulfa is 70! My little shadow priestie is all grown up! And when I saw my character screen and it said I had 2 70's I almost shed a tear. It's so cool! She has her complete frozen shadowweave set thanks to Xiliah, 3B, and Doozie, two rings from the Headless Horsemen extravaganza, and everything else needs to be replaced. There are a few nice 1-H weapons I can get from SSO once I hit revered which will happen in a few days. And there was some talk of going through a few instances .... :D She might go into Kara this Friday. I'm totally freaking out-I have no macros for shackle (that will be acquired come Friday) and I still don't think I have melting faces in the blood, so to speak. But huge thanks to Nas who has twice now put time and effort into creating a shadow priesting guide, or rather, how to be like Xiliah :D Wulfa has been having fun playing around with new specs. Her damage output is enormous and I look forward to seeing it in Kara on Friday (at least I think...

Sorry for the lack of post

She's been orclette busy and I've been brain dead. In exchange I give you something I've been working on: Chemaik knelt in the musty room, his scribe-light providing steady but weak illumination. Gently, every so gently, he shifted the paper before him. One of the last surviving pages of one of the last surviving books in a room that was one of the few remaining standing in a building that should have been dust centuries ago. He had found this place after extensive research into the histories of the original race, the Dragons. An ancient dragon scholar had written of it, describing it as the city where the Dragons created the first man. All of the buildings in this city were man sized but they lay in the shadows of even greater ruins that could have only ever properly fit a dragon. Chemaik would have gone there first but those ruins were encased in a wall of ice a mile high. The glacier was almost crystal clear and the image of the huge buildings encased inside...