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Beowulfa the Great

These days when I log onto Wulfa I feel out of sorts. My shot rotation is different, the pet I have out all the time now is different, and heck her hair is different. Plus it's been all about the shadow priest.

Took Beowulfa into MgT regular last night. I will unfortunately have to do that again as I did not complete the quest. I realized my mistake as soon as I teleported out and ran back inside but was unable to loot Kael'thas's head :( Ah well. Made out like a bandit with loot. I was fairly happy with Beo's damage; nothing like Wulfa's but more than I was expecting. I have Control Freak and Decursive ... I've played around with them but haven't yet used them in a party situation. I think I'm gonna like partying with a shadow priestie. I'd better, I'm taking her into Kara tonight. I know it's been nerfed and that Beo should be fine but still I'm a wee bit nervous. I've looked at all the fights through a hunter's eyes, not as a squishy clothie.

Speaking of Kara and fights ... it struck me the other day as I was talking to Moon about his Kara pug how very awesome our raid leaders are. I feel as if I could explain almost every fight in Kara clearly and precisely (that does not mean 3B that you can ask me to do so). So a huge thankyou to 3B, Blusummers, Fal, and also Bar (I seem to remember him explaining a few fights). Back to what I was saying .....

Beo hit revered with SSO this morning and has a new mace. She's begun working on her Ambassador title and has only a mere 7K rep with Stormwind to go ... already exalted with Darnassus, almost exalted with Exodar, and needs a bit of work with Ironforge and Gnomer. I think I'll also shoot for that white dragon I've been told you can get once you own 50 mounts ... being exalted with all 5 cities that shouldn't be very hard to do. And as a side project I'll be amassing enough money to buy epic flight. 3k to go ....

There's just not enough time in the day folks. Not enough time.


Anonymous said…
Nothing is worse than dropping a boss expecting to see the yellow quest text appear ... then having the WTF moment.
Anonymous said…
Don't worry too much about the change in armor. My main is a raiding BM hunter, my main alt is a Elemental Shaman and my second alt is a Shadow Priest. People get hung up on the fact that two are mail and one is cloth.....they are ALL ranged and so you are long as you don't pull aggro! Good luck, relax and most of all have fun.

Gunsnbutter Excelsior/Uther

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