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On Hunters.

Someone thinks that we all have secret hunter alts that we secretly love. Heck no.

That hunter? The level 50 one over there?

The only reason he hasn't typed out D-E-L-E-T-E is because he's level 50. And I'm lothe to delete 40+.

I hates him.

His face has this blank expression. His pet isn't cuddly and he holds a gun wierd.

Stupid hunter.

I regret him daily. If he didn't exist my Druid would have tagged 70 already. So would my Shaman. I don't like huntering, line of site ..blegh... no healing... bleagh... no shinies.

I'll leave that to her.

Maybe I should type D-E-L-E-T-E.... it isn't like I've regretted giving up my paladin. And hunters are practically paladins. Both are boring. Cept Wulfa... but she's the exception that proves the rule.

But I don't like him. Bleh no. I'd rather play a rogue. STABBITY!!!!!!!!!!!

**At this point the Author walked away whining about no time to level his rogue.


Fish said…
I think they should have qualified that statement with "if you like to DPS". I personally don't care for hunters, I'd delete mine if he wasnt my alchemist and leatherworker. They can't heal, cant wear heavy armor, limited utility, all they do is shoot stuff, no appeal for me. . .
Anonymous said…
You should have rolled a dwarf.
Unknown said…
My hunter has been lvl 61 for half a year ....
Kelmar said…
I cant get into playing hunters either...

Silly class, questing becomes easy mode and the EGO all hunters seem to have because of that easy leveling and DPS.

Don't tell my wife I said any of this!
Anonymous said…
I am the same, though I have never managed to get a hunter anywhere near to 50 - mine barely get high enough level to tame a pet before I tire of them. My current hunter is very cute but she is level 16 and destined to stay there.

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