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The Orclette

We talk a lot about how school is doing, what sickness I came down with, how buff and fit Damm is getting, but we rarely talk about the Orclette and what she's up to. I am now gonna remedy that by remembering as many fun Orclette things as I can.

She's almost 2-her birthday will be July 5th. She learns new words everyday and likes to point out stuff that she knows the names of, like shirts, shoes, socks, "Tawny"-which is the name of grandma's dog and thus the name of all animals everywhere, hair, nose, etc. She is beginning to string words together, like "I need a hug" and "momma come." She also knows quite a few command words which she sees no need to pair with polite words such as "please" and "thankyou," though she knows both words.

We're working on obedience. Most of the time she's very pleasant and will come when you ask, bring stuff to you or carry it, etc. But she also will get a look on her face that means she's about to find out if you're really going to say no. It makes it harder that the look is rather cute, but both parents and grandparents are being very vigilant and heading off such behavior now rather than when she's 3 and can throw picture-perfect temper tantrums.

Today we went to Orclette's first-ever storytime at Barnes & Noble. We got there when the store opened so she would have the trains to herself (9 a.m.). Momma got a frappuccino and baby got animal crackers, I collected magazines to peruse and off we went to Thomas land (the train at B&N is the really expesive Thomas the Train one. I think buying a new one is somewhere around $700-800). She had lots of fun eating her crackers, occasionally playing with the trains, and also wandering around looking at stuff. At 10 a.m. storytime began featuring Clifford the Big Red Dog (once a month B&N has a costume character for storytime). She didn't bat an eye when the tall red creature walked in and actually listened to a whole story. Well, I say listen-she was actually observing what all the other kids were doing and copying them. After a bit she collected her stuffed animals, her crackers, grabbed my hand and informed me that she was ready to go. Since the whole point was for her to have fun I saw no reason to force her to stay and we left. The entire episode was very fun for both of us and I hope to make it a weekly occurrence.

She has a "baby." It's a black stuffed bear that my aunt constructed at Build-A-Bear and sent for her 1st birthday. She didn't much care for it back then but now it's VERY IMPORTANT. Baby needs to be brought everywhere, needs to be checked to make sure she's "ok," needs to have naps, etc. It's really very cute and good practice for when there's a real baby in the house. I'm thinking of getting her a more life-like doll with accessories but we're gonna wait til we visit her other grandma in TX in April so she can also have fun shopping for her granddaughter.

As I mentioned previously her birthday is in July. I'm rather excited about it-we're going to have either a Peter Rabbit or Winnie the Pooh theme. I'm ordering a cake plus cupcake so she can have fun playing with it, buying little napkins and plates, maybe balloons, etc. She doesn't really have little kid friends yet so it will probably just be family but I think it will still be fun. From me she'll be getting a big girl potty and books about the subject because she's showing signs of being ready to potty train (yay!). No idea what other grandparents are getting but she's sure to be totally spoiled :D

And just a little note, my birthday is Sunday. I love birthdays. I'm going to be 25, which feels so old because just yesterday I was 18 (I know that I'm still a baby to most people). We're going to order pizza and have ice cream cake (the best kind in the entire world). And then my parents are going to have a celebration when we visit them in April. And we're going to go to the Olive Garden at some point because that's what I really wanted to do but the schedule just didn't work out for this month. I'm rather proud of the fact that I can still pull off having 3 birthday parties at my age :D


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