Two topics today:
2) Thoughts about perceptions and tranquil gardens at midnight.
Which dps class do you consider the easiest in terms of maintaining *decent* dps... nothing chart topping but none of this sub 1k crap?
Based on a bad pug of my brother's yesterday and the silly statements by the priest who intentionally wiped them towards the end... I'm going to go with
RET pally!... I have no clue as you can see from my previous post and Bar's awesome response :P
So I know I'm not the only one that does this:
I find that after a few pugs I start to have expectations towards classes based on the previous experiences:
Rogues: Horrible dps, gonna pull agro and die a lot, doesn't know how to stealth, likes to stand in green and purple death stuff.
Paladins: Buffs me. Yay mana. Doesn't die much. Average dps.
Warriors: Helpful. Good DPS. Doesn't die much. Doesn't pull agro.
Shamans: No Poison Totem. Distracted. Low dps.
Mages: Average dps. Keeps out of trouble. Quiet.
Warlocks: Good dps. Talks smack. Pulls agro. Lets pet pull adds. Dies a lot. Causes wipes.
Hunters: Good dps. doesn't talk much. Doesn't die much. Keeps out of green and purple death stuff.
Druids: don't pug ever. Never seen one. Only exist in guild.
Death Knights: Good dps. Stays alive. Keeps adds off healer. Doesn't pull agro unless protecting healer.
I think that is everyone.
Oh and games that have awesome names for zones like Tranquil Garden of Peaceful Undeath are awesome.
PS: Forgot priests oddly so here goes:
Priests: Uhm... very quiet... buffs tank.. I think.... not sure if the pug as they are so very quiet and hard to notice.
2) Thoughts about perceptions and tranquil gardens at midnight.
Which dps class do you consider the easiest in terms of maintaining *decent* dps... nothing chart topping but none of this sub 1k crap?
Based on a bad pug of my brother's yesterday and the silly statements by the priest who intentionally wiped them towards the end... I'm going to go with
RET pally!... I have no clue as you can see from my previous post and Bar's awesome response :P
So I know I'm not the only one that does this:
I find that after a few pugs I start to have expectations towards classes based on the previous experiences:
Rogues: Horrible dps, gonna pull agro and die a lot, doesn't know how to stealth, likes to stand in green and purple death stuff.
Paladins: Buffs me. Yay mana. Doesn't die much. Average dps.
Warriors: Helpful. Good DPS. Doesn't die much. Doesn't pull agro.
Shamans: No Poison Totem. Distracted. Low dps.
Mages: Average dps. Keeps out of trouble. Quiet.
Warlocks: Good dps. Talks smack. Pulls agro. Lets pet pull adds. Dies a lot. Causes wipes.
Hunters: Good dps. doesn't talk much. Doesn't die much. Keeps out of green and purple death stuff.
Druids: don't pug ever. Never seen one. Only exist in guild.
Death Knights: Good dps. Stays alive. Keeps adds off healer. Doesn't pull agro unless protecting healer.
I think that is everyone.
Oh and games that have awesome names for zones like Tranquil Garden of Peaceful Undeath are awesome.
PS: Forgot priests oddly so here goes:
Priests: Uhm... very quiet... buffs tank.. I think.... not sure if the pug as they are so very quiet and hard to notice.