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"I'm terrified of being an adult while at the same time I really, really want to stop being a dependent." - That rings terribly true to me.

I have 8(19 yay for 15 min extra) min remaining on my computer session at the library here. So I don't really have time to come up with anything deeply interesting. Being at home with infinite computer time(if not infinite free time) will make writing things easier.

I danced around Bell's blogs today which was yay. She's fun reading.

Life here at Basic and AIT has slammed into my soul the need for music. One of my hopes and dreams for my upcoming BIRTHDAY AND CHRISTMAS is a music playing thing that everyone else in the world seems to have. One of the ones with buttons that have headphones.

And that is about it. I'm off to go find something better to do now... like stare boredly at the ceiling and call Wulfa to whine about not being home yet.

Falling in the black, slipping through the cracks
Falling to the depths, can I ever go back?
Dreaming of the way it used to be, can you hear me?
Falling in the black, slipping through the cracks
Falling to the depths, can I ever go back?
Falling inside the black
Falling inside, falling inside,
the black.


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