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Another job .....

It's like having another job, this searching for a guild. Go onto WOW's guild recruitment forums, the realm specific forums .... some look interesting but you have to be Kara ready and be able to raid 4-5 nights a week ..... I guess that's like showing up to work in the right clothes and staying for your full shift but this is my fun thing. But I want to be in a good guild that will eventually let me run Kara once or twice during the week and let me skip a week without going drama on me ..... And I've read what other very wise people have said. Join pugs, get yourself noticed. But nobody looks for a BM hunter that I've noticed. Enh. Shammy has a much better chance of getting picked up by a pug or guild especially since he's willing and able to be a resto shammy ..... so blah blah. Somebody really cool needs to create a horde side character on Drenden, level up to our level (which wouldn't take much effort seeing as how we're like turtles leveling) and create a fantastic guild. And invite me. And Dammy. And it would be really cool because we were in it. And by association the GM would be cool. Doesn't that sound enticing?

Other news. I was very excited yesterday because a blue I had bought for 6g sold for 30g. Go me! A bit of farming in Azshara but Dammy doesn't like it, I don't really care for it either and I've already outgrown it so we won't be going back. I like the Western Plaguelands. Lots and lots of bears that I can skin (thank goodness they all don't aggro =) and undead peoples that drop cloth that sells well on the AH. News in RL .... my boys (Dammy and brother-in-law) helped me with my newest project. Remember how I told you it's very dangerous to let a person who has even the slightest interest in interior design read one of the magazines? We're constructing a concrete block bookcase for our room. By we I mean them. I picked out the colors and it was my brainchild (well, not really, brother actually had the idea for his own room first but I expounded on it) but last night it was dammy spray-painting and brother sanding the boards down. The boards we're doing a dark purple which looks really cool, and the blocks we were doing a light purple. Turns out it looks like grey rather than light purple. We did test the colors, btw, so I'm not sure why we didn't catch that little detail ... anyway, I'm thinking a light green might work better. Back to Lowes, the other big blue store! Did you know they sell garden stuffs? I didn't, although I probably should have. One of these days I'm going to buy some flowers and try really hard not to kill them.

I can't think of an appropriate cheer today. FOR THE HORDE is too serious. I didn't mention Orclette. FOR SPRAY PAINT doesn't have the right ring. ooo. I know.

FOR PONY!!!!!!


Anonymous said…
I so wish you all had Alliance toons. I'm the GM of a guild on my server and I would love to have you two! The bad thing about being GM though is not having too much time for other toons. I do wish you luck, and if you ever decide to come Alliance, look me up! :)
Anonymous said…
Oh! as far as BM Hunters go.... I don't know about your server, but on mine, there are just so many hunters out there. Guilds get filled up with Hunters quick. I got a hunter, so I knew your pain, before I started a guild. Another thing about hunters is this... its easy to be a good hunter, its hard to be an excellent hunter. So many hunters give us a bad name... so we all get labeled Huntards :( So, we can blame all the bad hunters for all our troubles :)
Dammerung said…
I have pondered Alliance toons but we have to get to 70 first before I even -think- about alts.

Currently 51 bubbles of 70.
Anonymous said…
Just to secon what was posted my Klaki. I am an Alliance BM hunter. I don't PvP but that is because I don't like to. I do however raid (including Kara). I am in a casual raiding guild. Everyone tried to tell me that a BM hunter would never make it on raids. After the second heroic instance or raid with me, I never heard that complaint again. It is possible. I believe you have mentioned that you read BRK. That is a very good source if you want to stay BM. Good Luck and Hunter Dreams!
Nibuca said…
For Pwny!

Joel said…
If you are interested in doing a server transfer, you could check out our guild alliance on Quel'dorei. Our site is We run Kara 2 nights/week, many of our members have kids, chat is kept to PG-13, and we have a couple of arena/bg teams. If this appeals, you can send me an email, apply on the site, or contact Tristam or Zurdante in-game.
Joel said…
I forgot to mention, I'm Tristam and Zurdante is our allied guild's GM.

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