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The creative bug strikes

Every once in a while I get the urge to create something. Twice now this has resulted in children; it has also resulted in some relatively nice works of art throughout the years. A few days ago I had the urge to write a poem about my orange shoe. I am rather pleased with it. And then I had the bright idea to try my hand at writing haikus. Why haiku? who knows. Maybe the challenge of evoking an image/idea/etc. with only a few words? Maybe because it's format is really easy to remember?

At any rate, I whipped out a few haikus this weekend. I ran into the problem of audience comprehension-I thought my haikus made perfect sense but Damm and others had to ask me for the meaning. I also did a bit of research on the haiku to make sure I was doing it right and found out I wasn't. Although there is no general consensus on how to write a haiku in a foreign language (i.e. not in Japanese) typically you should follow the 5/7/5 syllable rule. In addition it is traditional to use nature to locate your place in time-i.e. dawn, night, fall, winter, etc. And you should use nature anyway in your haikus. So I attempted that. I'm not yet ready to share most of my attempts but I do have one that I think will make sense:

Twilight, deepening-
Miasma, riot of color-
Descending, gray, gone.

It's twilight. I used the word "miasma" but I think it has a different meaning than what I was trying to convey so it's back to the drawing board. Maybe. I'm still puzzled at my desire to write poetry-usually I avoid it at all costs. My taste for poetry was ruined by analyzing in excruciating detail John Keats's "Ode on a Grecian Urn." Although just now I looked up the poem to find the correct title of it and wow, that's a good poem. They should have a follow-up class for English Lit. a year or two after you've struggled through the hidden meanings behind every work: you will have a new depth of appreciation for the compositions once the feelings of frustration are gone.

A new subject but the same motivation: I have big plans for being creative over our Spring Break. I used to create all sorts of beaded jewelry but with the advent of little kids that stopped cold turkey. I want to create a new bracelet for my mom and I have a design in mind ... maybe I'll have the time? I'm also going through our file cabinet and ALL of our papers so the bracelet might be a forlorn hope. Maybe over the summer ... but that's when I was going to catch up on Little Man's scrapbook and forge ahead with Babydoll's pictures ... and take Spanish 211 & 212 ... heh. At least I won't get bored anytime soon.

I considered composing a farewell haiku but I think that would be major overkill and so you are spared :) In its place I'll leave a haiku that's actually good:

Without flowing wine
How to enjoy lovely
Cherry blossoms? (anonymous)


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