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War, Love, and Chocolate

On War.

Beowulfa is 60. I was excited, exhilarated, thrilled with my new mount, loving all the upgrades/new stuff hunters get at 60. I also felt quite a bit poorer. Then, newly armed with my new spells and my lightning-fast mount, I set out to conquer Hellfire Peninsula. And had a horrible realization.

I am undergeared. I am under-enchanted. I am under-supplied with food buffs for me and Twilight. I don't have enough potions. In short, I am not prepared.

Soooo, Beowulfa will be spending some time back in Azeroth gearing up, possibly getting enchants?! (I have never gotten any because I'm unsure of the procedure and hate looking like a noob or getting ripped off ......), skilling up leatherworking so I can use all the knothide stuff I've been getting. I'm at 292 so it won't take long at all.

Does anyone like Hellfire? I. Don't. Like. Hellfire. Peninsula. It feels like you're on a major slope and it messes with my balance. It isn't organized like any of the zones back on Azeroth (don't you love being able to say that-so flippantly, "Back in Azeroth"?) that I can tell. And everywhere I go I have to be on my guard because I'm an unprepared little hunter and there are mobs everywhere. Oh my gosh-I discovered the nasty little mana-burners. I could NOT figure out why my mana disappeared so fast. I'm a mana-conservationist, mana-friendly, mana-whore, however you want to spin it. I carefully use what I have because I hate having to regen it. And it was just going -poof!- instantaneously. And then I watched as the fel-thingy cast "mana burn." And I felt hot & heavy hate and loathing in Hellfire Peninsula. Oh-and what's with increasing the xp necessary to level? From 180,000 to 494,000? -Cry- I'm done ranting now.

On Love

We are seriously enjoying BBB's guild. I was going to transfer over Angie, my hunter, and I think I still will, but I'm going to try and level this Beowulfa, whom we'll call Beo to avoid confusion. She's a wee priestie and will be going shadow because, well, have you heard of mindflay? I likes it. I loves it. I want some more of it. Such cool people to chat with. Daxe is always funny and makes me laugh. BBB and Cassie are cool and they mention things like "hey-you need a wand? I have an enchanter that can do that for you ..." Such nice guildies. And they answer questions that if asked in general chat or to some of my previous guild members would have gotten a "duh, you don't know that?" response. Oooh, and Ess, and Harisan/Nasirah are in the guild, and who else? I haven't been on much so I don't know everybody yet.

On Chocolate.

I really don't have much to say about chocolate except that I had some this morning. Dark chocolate (Hersheys). And if you like Dark Chocolate I recommend you try Lindt's 70% & 80% dark chocolate. Once you get used to it you won't want to go back (except if you're me and you have a MAJOR sweet tooth. This is why I run.). I wouldn't try the 90% until your palate has acclimated to the slightly bitter and not-very-sweet taste. And did you know that the milk chocolate commonly sold in stores is not really chocolate? It's got too much sugar, vanilla, etc. and not enough cocoa in it. I deny reading a book that was all about chocolate and becoming a chocolate connoisseur.



Arne said…
Hellfire Peninsula was a serious pain in the butt. I constantly felt like I was either going to get squished by the fel reaver or I was going to fall off the edge of the world. You get some groovy gear from those first quests at Thrallmar, though, so I'd be hesitant about spending a lot of money upgrading/enchanting what you have.

I popped onto Kael'thas last night briefly and it was like a Poxer reunion! I need to get my butt into that guild, too; it sounds like a great way to play. :-D

PS: I've got a dwarf warrior, Rotaan, over there. I abandoned the Wara- naming, which may have been a mistake...
Rusty said…
I agree with Wara; you won't be able to find quest rewards anywhere near what HFP offers. It helps a lot if you can bring a friend, though...Hey, you have one of those!

Hulfnar said…
I agree with Waradwen and Daxenos. You will get much better gear from the quests in HFP than you can possibly get in Azeroth, unless you are going to do the old dungeons and raids. Go to Thrallmar and pick up all the introductory quests there. There's also a quest giver just outside of town to the south east. You also want to get to the Horde camp (can't remember the name) on the south edge of the zone due south of Thrallmar. I think there is actually a quest near Thrallmar that lets you fly to the southern camp rather than having to run.

Don't skip early quests in HPF; several are part of chains that lead to even nicer gear at the end.
Ratshag said…
Yup, what they said. I rans there the instant I dinged 58, and great googly moogly did I get creamed fer a while. Howevers, within a coupla levels I'd replaced all me gear with stuff equals ta what ya can get in the top Azeroth dungeons, and then I were back in the saddle.

Be cautious, keep yer health and mana up, and watch out fer adds. If ya wants to gear up, best bet is the AH, where ya can find greens what dropped in Hellfire. Way better than EPL quest rewards.
Ratshag said…
Oh, and is you still on Drenden? If so, don't be shy about hirin' a level 1 gnome what you can use ta call "Ratter! Halp!" if ya gets stuck on a quest. I's just down the road, and would love to help me friends out. Language barrier be damned...
Beowulfa said…
Hmmm. I didn't mean that I was going back to Azeroth and questing there-I was going to surf the AH. Apologies for the confusion.

@Ratshag: That's so sweet! If I need help you'll be the first one I'll call.
Anonymous said…
As a fellow hunter, soloing the beginning quests are cake. This will get you good gear quick. If you are dieing a lot, you might want to look into your fighting style. Hunters level quick and should rarely die. Don't go back.... once you reach HFP, you should never go back unless you want to go to an AH.

I'm in Sidhe Devils (Blacki) and am enjoying talking to Ash, Cass, and TriB during my lunch break at work. If the fun continues, who knows, I may do something traumatic and play there full time :)
Tristan said…
I agree with these guys.

Find a friend to help level / quest or just do the easy ones (not the mana burn guys.)

When my rogue went to HFP everyone was 60-62 so questing was hard and I stuck to instances and slowly grinded it up on mobs...

When my priest went through, everyone was 70 and so I went in at 57 (portal to Shat FTW) and just grinded mobs for 3 levels and got greens... Then when I actually did quests at 60, I had decent gear and it was cake... I dont know about you but I thought 60 hunter would be easier to kill stuff then 57 shad priest :P Jokes of course...

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