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So cool ....

We're in Outlands we're in outlands we're in outlands. I don't think I realized I'd actually make it there. Back when I started playing WOW (2 years ago) 60 seemed like so far away and then they raised it to 70. I'm almost lvl 60. I did decide to go back to Azeroth and finish up a few quests there before committing solely to Outlands, but I completed a few quests-and the rewards! Instant upgrades from what I had before. Just awesome. Although my new crossbow and axe need to be skilled up, which is part of the reason why Beowulfa will be back in Winterspring. It's kinda hard fighting 2-3 lvl 60's when your skill level ain't capped.

Other news: Dammy and I have joined BBB's guild, the Sidhe Devils. How is that pronounced? I forgot to ask last night. Is the dh a "th" sound? As in "this"? Dammy is thrilled that he can ponder which character/class/race to roll. He has until tonight to make up his mind =) I'm going to transfer over my first real hunter Angharad, that is, if they're accepting hunters .... I forgot to ask that. She's level 44, I think, and so would more realistically make it to 70. I rolled a Draenei priestess but I don't think I can get her to 70 anytime soon. And Cassy wants to do Kara, which I completely sympathize with since I'd like to experience it as well. And who better to do it with than a big lovable bear and his beautiful sharp-as-knives wife? (I would have said back-stabbing because that's what rogues do, I think, but it didn't sound very nice). So that's our latest endeavor. We're working out a schedule for Dammy so he can catch up to my hunter Angie. And he told me that one of our blogger friends has extended invitations to Horde-side Dammerung and Beowulfa on another server so a move might be in the works for them ...... sigh. Another $75 to an online game .......



Stephi said…
Sidhe is pronounced "She" like a chica.
So Sidhe Devils is She Devils ^.^
It's a faerie reference.

Grats on getting to Outland guys! It gets tons more fun here on in XD
Christopher said…
It's a funny thing, the Outlands rewards. For me, I had only hit 60 a few weeks before Burning Crusade launched. I had some blues, mostly greens, and no epics. I had only just joined the guild of which I am still a member (my first!) at level 52 and had yet to immerse myself in the higher level content. In a nutshell: I soloed my way to 60, which as a holy paladin is an exercise in stupidity. =P

I purchased Burning Crusade the day it came out. My now wife, then fiance, and I camped outside a local game store to get a copy. The next day we logged onto our mains and took those first eager steps into Outlands. Hellfire was a zoo, predictably enough, but what struck me as odd were the quest rewards. Seemingly simple and mundane quests awarded me with phenomenal gear upgrades. I was overjoyed, since I had no high-end gear before Burning Crusade.

And then I looked at myself, in earnest, for the first time since setting foot in Hellfire. My still level 60 paladin had gone from quite cool-looking plate to... some unholy amalgamation of a Power Ranger and a Ken doll. /cry It was all pinks and greens and light blues.

So I guess the moral of my story is to be careful of those upgrades. You might just end up looking ridiculous. Just like I did. =)
Ratshag said…
Woot! Outland! Big time gratz!

And more Sidhe Devil friends fer Palintera to meet! Yippees!
Unknown said…
Regarding the new mismatched gear thing...

Funny comic
Beowulfa said…
Omg that's awesome-referring to the funny comic Nasirah linked to. I'll be on the lookout for that .....
Anonymous said…
Grats on Outlands!

When I first started to replace my gear...I looked like the clown from hell...too crazy! Now that I'm playing again I can see it all lol
Pike said…
Grats on Outlands! =D
TheBigBearButt said…
Stephi is right...

And you can bring over whoever you want, or play whatever alt you make that you want. We don't care, it ain't about your character, it's about you having fun.
Beowulfa said…
@ One Among Many: Hey! When did you start playing again? I completely missed that.
Anonymous said…
@ post today should reveal all that :)

go check it out already! :P
Christopher said…
@Nasirah: HA! No exaggeration, my wife and I laughed so hard we cried at that comic.

Pacifier?!?! We know it to be true...
Anonymous said…
Congrats! Finally being able to move to the "next step" in WoW is a tremendous feeling. I applaud your determination on getting there.

I created a Pally that is on the new uber cool guild Sidhe Devils. Thanks Steph for pointing out that I was totally wrong in the fact I thought Sidhe was just a wierd way of spelling City. :)

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