I played a round of AB last night as a small test to give me an idea of what I'll be using.
And I wrote a dear-abby letter to one of the Grandmasters of pvp and pvpblogging.
The results?
A deep and abiding shame that I had not been using Tremor totem. A new look at purge, and a rework of my pvp hotkey bar.
Here is what the bar will look like(the lower ability is shift modified):
So I have 1-9 accessable easily by my left hand and 10,-,= tied to the middle mouse button.
I think I'm really set to go. Still need to complete the ferales quest for the Will of the [something] blue 2hander but then its BG's for me.
Sorry for the long posts one after another but opposite of TJ work gets slow for us during Tax season.
And I wrote a dear-abby letter to one of the Grandmasters of pvp and pvpblogging.
The results?
A deep and abiding shame that I had not been using Tremor totem. A new look at purge, and a rework of my pvp hotkey bar.
Here is what the bar will look like(the lower ability is shift modified):
1 2 3
LHW Purge ES
HW Purge(Focus) ES(Focus)
4 5 6(Z)
LS Flame Shock Set Focus
GW Frost Shock Target Focus
7(F) 8(G) 9(X)
Chain Heal Two Hander WF Totem
Chain Light Frost Shock Grounding
0(MMUP) -(MMD) =(MM Click)
Tremor Mana Flametongue Totem
Earthbind PR Totem Magma
So I have 1-9 accessable easily by my left hand and 10,-,= tied to the middle mouse button.
I think I'm really set to go. Still need to complete the ferales quest for the Will of the [something] blue 2hander but then its BG's for me.
Sorry for the long posts one after another but opposite of TJ work gets slow for us during Tax season.
Yay us.