Dammy makes my morning coffee the night before. He's a very nice orc. This morning, however, my coffee is really thick. Like European cafe thick. Like the thickness my Flemish grandmother (and yes she really is-speaks the language and everything!! -grins-) adores in her very black coffee. I'm not complaining, mind you. I'm just saying. And it feels as though I'm getting 4 cups for the price of two ....
And on to the subject I meant to write about today.
I'm 50! Do a happy dance, yeah, do the happy dance. Not me. Beowulfa. And I have the Bestial thingy for me now! So exciting. And track dragonkin. Those trainers are soooo behind the times. I was killing those dragons five levels ago. And I found some good agility mail gear on the AH for not-outrageous prices and I celebrated by buying them. Speaking of gear, I have a question for you leatherworking people .... I went dragonscale because wowwiki said it was best for hunters and because I liked the idea of wearing dragon armor. Did the quest, learned how to do a few. And none of them had any agility. I went back to wowwiki. Looked a little closer. None of the dragonscale armor had agility. However elemental recipes did. Sooooo, I traveled to the elemental trainer. Found out I had to disown the dragonscale trainer first. Did that. Came back to elemental trainer. Rascal sent me to Tanaris. Then I went back to him. And I noticed that all the elemental stuff was leather. Not mail. I almost cried. Seriously. Wearing mail is like a badge of honor. That and having your mount. It's what I looked forward to from lvls 30-39. BUT. Dammy and my research points to agility as the clue to my happiness. So. Mix and match? Buy good mail gear when I find it and make leather for the rest? Ditch mail and go leather entirely? Drop leatherworking and go do something else? I actually don't want to do that. Beowulfa DOES leatherworking. And skinning. I've invested a lot of time, effort, and thought into it. But I could still change if leatherworking no longer had anything for me .....
Now that I've reached the golden age of 50 Dammy has asked me to slow down. Not out of concern for my age-we orcs are very long lived-but because I'm too fast for him and he wants to catch up. I think he's 46. And he keeps on asking me for more gold ....... We had earned about 75 gold over the course of two days. Then I spent most of that on training and that new gear .... but it makes me hopeful that we'll soon have 1500 gold. That's our target. We have until lvl 60. It seems like such an astronomical amount. But the quests I get are now giving me gold instead of silver so we're moving up in the world. It's still hard to wrap my mind around that amount though. And my AH flipping is going well. I'm very conservative. I usually stick with trade items and I try not to spend much more than 5 gold on an item/stack. I realize I'll probably have to increase that amount as my income increases because I'll be able to afford some of the discounted pricier mats ... that sounded weird. Anyway. You know what I mean.
Time to hit the gym and make myself buff. And look HAWT.
FOR MUSCLES! (yeah, dude, lift those wimpy 15-pounders! I've got the 20's ... I'm stronger than you!!!)
And on to the subject I meant to write about today.
I'm 50! Do a happy dance, yeah, do the happy dance. Not me. Beowulfa. And I have the Bestial thingy for me now! So exciting. And track dragonkin. Those trainers are soooo behind the times. I was killing those dragons five levels ago. And I found some good agility mail gear on the AH for not-outrageous prices and I celebrated by buying them. Speaking of gear, I have a question for you leatherworking people .... I went dragonscale because wowwiki said it was best for hunters and because I liked the idea of wearing dragon armor. Did the quest, learned how to do a few. And none of them had any agility. I went back to wowwiki. Looked a little closer. None of the dragonscale armor had agility. However elemental recipes did. Sooooo, I traveled to the elemental trainer. Found out I had to disown the dragonscale trainer first. Did that. Came back to elemental trainer. Rascal sent me to Tanaris. Then I went back to him. And I noticed that all the elemental stuff was leather. Not mail. I almost cried. Seriously. Wearing mail is like a badge of honor. That and having your mount. It's what I looked forward to from lvls 30-39. BUT. Dammy and my research points to agility as the clue to my happiness. So. Mix and match? Buy good mail gear when I find it and make leather for the rest? Ditch mail and go leather entirely? Drop leatherworking and go do something else? I actually don't want to do that. Beowulfa DOES leatherworking. And skinning. I've invested a lot of time, effort, and thought into it. But I could still change if leatherworking no longer had anything for me .....
Now that I've reached the golden age of 50 Dammy has asked me to slow down. Not out of concern for my age-we orcs are very long lived-but because I'm too fast for him and he wants to catch up. I think he's 46. And he keeps on asking me for more gold ....... We had earned about 75 gold over the course of two days. Then I spent most of that on training and that new gear .... but it makes me hopeful that we'll soon have 1500 gold. That's our target. We have until lvl 60. It seems like such an astronomical amount. But the quests I get are now giving me gold instead of silver so we're moving up in the world. It's still hard to wrap my mind around that amount though. And my AH flipping is going well. I'm very conservative. I usually stick with trade items and I try not to spend much more than 5 gold on an item/stack. I realize I'll probably have to increase that amount as my income increases because I'll be able to afford some of the discounted pricier mats ... that sounded weird. Anyway. You know what I mean.
Time to hit the gym and make myself buff. And look HAWT.
FOR MUSCLES! (yeah, dude, lift those wimpy 15-pounders! I've got the 20's ... I'm stronger than you!!!)