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Do you ever wake up and feel heavy? Feel like you ate/drank/etc. too much? Well, that's how I feel this morning. It was a fun weekend :D

Friday started with a gorgeous, beautiful run of 4 miles. I didn't feel like I had actually done anything. We then decided to drive into Joplin, an hour westish, to try out a restaurant that we had heard raves about the entire time we've lived here but never tried. Pizza by Stout. Remember that, if you're ever in the Joplin area. Best pizza I've ever tasted. And they have an entire long big humungo menu devoted to beer. I tried a Belgian White Lager thingamajiggy. It was ok, better after a few sips. I think I finished half and then the Orclette tipped it onto Moon's pants, which was a much better use for it, imo :D I then tried a chocolate beer. Yummy yummy yummy. I lurves my chocolate in any shape and form. After that I was done-I was feeling warm and toasty and very witty and I took that as a signal to stop. We wobbled out (I actually did wobble, but I'm blaming that on my shoes) and went shopping. I had actual money to spend on said shopping so it was fun :D That night I healed through my first instance with Beowulfa shadow-priest. I'm withholding judgement on the whole healing-thing until I get healbot going and an actual healer set of gear. I'd also love to see how healing was being properly specced for it. Anyway, the entire day was awesome, fun, and can I have a repeat please?

Saturday Damm invited the cousins over to play Call of Duty. I decided that it would be a perfect time to go see a movie. I had really really wanted to see The Duchess but my little movie theater wasn't showing that particular one. So I opted for Nights in Rodanthe. And I'm never going to see a Nicholas Sparks' movie again without reading what happens first. And yes, a tear escaped. Maybe two. I really hate it when movies make me cry. I can't remember what we did the rest of the day .... oh, that's right. Moon ordered pizza. Without being prompted/asked. It was a lovely gesture but one I would've skipped since we had had loads of pizza the previous day ..... but I can't resist a pepperoni pizza being plunked down in front of me.

Sunday I ran 6 miles. And discovered that listening to music only distracts me up to miles 4-5 of a run. After that I have to start using my mind-tricks to run the longer distances. My favorite is to imagine that you have a giant rubber band around you. You pick an object in the distance and shoot the rubber band around it and let it reel you in. I had to make my rubber band insta-cast because I was wasting too much energy on imagining it flying through the air, sometimes missing it's intended target, etc. Another good technique to get you through longer runs is to carry several sticks of gum/chocolate/gummy bears with you. Every mile you complete you get one. I use that on half and full marathons, although chocolate only works during the cold part of the year. And to top off my impromptu mini-lesson in distance running: change your thinking. You can't start by thinking "6 miles is horribly long and I'm never going to make it." I simply dredge up memories of running 26.2 miles with a huge gigantic blood blister on my foot. After that 6 miles seems like cake. Use whatever memories seem right to you :D

Sunday was also my last day at the Springfield B&N. It was a rather odd leave-taking. I simply didn't work enough/didn't know enough people. Compare that to my going-away party that was thrown at my Houston store. My dept. manager bought a huge gigantic cake. There were tears, there was laughter, I didn't get any work done (that's a rare thing, actually-I'm usually an energizer bunny). Oh well.

Monday we planned on doing some cleaning/packing.throwing away stuff. Then Moon woke up around 11 am wondering when we were gonna leave for Pizza by Stout. Apparently Damm had told him that we were gonna make that jaunt again. We had no money left after our wild weekend but Moon decided that he had to have pizza so he offered to bankroll gas/restaurant. So we had pizza again. By this time I was feeling a wee bit overindulged. The feeling lasted throughout the day-it was like post-Thanksgiving dinner. We lounged around the house and watched t.v. No work was done. Oh well-we work best under pressure anyway :D

Have you seen the movie Hero with Jet-Li? If you haven't, you should. I caught the last bit of it Monday night. BTW, don't watch movies on Spike. They have a commercial break every 5 minutes, or so it seemed. Anyway, the movie is breathtakingly beautiful. The story is compelling, the fighting fun to watch. The ending might make you cry. Not me, fortunately-I already knew how it ended. It's on my list of movies to buy now. After I finish up buying every season of the Gilmore Girls ... I tell you, there's nothing worse than to watch the 2 seasons you do own and to be left on a cliffhanger and not own the 3rd (and the 4th-7th seasons ...) one. Even if I've seen every episode at least two times and know how everything ends.

And so, beloved guildies/fellow bloggers/those who read but do not write, see you after The Patch!


Anonymous said…
Not being a big pizza fan myself (I lovez me some spaghetti), I can't imagine eating three days of pizza.

I'm saddened that I wasn't invited over for the CoD-thon :(

I own Hero, very artsy. Someone actually bought it for me for Christmas without me even knowing what it was about. After watching it though, it was very interesting.

I'm glad you all had a good weekend.
Kelmar said…
Wish I could run 6 miles!!

Cap'n John said…
I was expecting something more from Jet Li during that very memorable scene in Hero, instead...well...not going to spoil anything, but I guess that was more realistic.

We just watched "The Forbidden Kingdom" with both Jacki Chan and Jet Li. Very clever movie, if a little Karate Kid'esque, but I still enjoyed it.

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