If you are a guild member and you signed on recently you probably were accosted with "Hi! I'm 58! Look at me I'm in Outlands!" I was just a wee bit excited about Beo going through the Dark Portal :D
Already 59 thanks to Damm helping me with quests-it was actually very fun questing together. Resto druid and shadow priest seem to go very nicely together. I'm looking forward to more duo questing :D
I've been on a mission to get exalted with Darnassus so I can retire the elekk (and this is why I'm posting, I'm jumping up and down inside because ....)-I'm only 1K rep away! I've accomplished this through questing and cloth turn-ins. I'm not telling you how much gold I've spent on runecloth these past few days. About half the rep came from questing, half from cloth (I was already revered). I will probably not be able to resist buying one right away though the lvl 60 one is right around the corner ....
Already 59 thanks to Damm helping me with quests-it was actually very fun questing together. Resto druid and shadow priest seem to go very nicely together. I'm looking forward to more duo questing :D
I've been on a mission to get exalted with Darnassus so I can retire the elekk (and this is why I'm posting, I'm jumping up and down inside because ....)-I'm only 1K rep away! I've accomplished this through questing and cloth turn-ins. I'm not telling you how much gold I've spent on runecloth these past few days. About half the rep came from questing, half from cloth (I was already revered). I will probably not be able to resist buying one right away though the lvl 60 one is right around the corner ....