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We started, or I should say I started, the whole diet change about a month ago. Weight loss wasn't my primary reason for looking into Paleo, but it is a nice side benefit given that I had a few extra pounds to spare. I will also mention, for those of you who are interested, that my diet is not what a purist would consider Paleo. I've added gluten-free bread in the mornings and occasionally other forms of carbohydrates scattered throughout the day. My average carb intake is 150-175 rather than 125-150.

So here we go:

My weight one month ago: 130
Waist: 28"
Hips: 34.25"
Leg: 22"
Arm: 11"

My weight now: 128.2
Waist: 28.25"
Hips: 34.5"
Leg: 21.75"
Arm: 11.25"

What's interesting is that even though the measurements went up slightly in the waist and hip area my clothes are getting looser. Maybe I was measuring wrong? Anyway, even though weight isn't the best thing to track weight loss (sounds funny, doesn't it, but it's true) I was thrilled to get below 130 pounds. And my biceps are bigger! I was hoping for some sort of increase given that I can do pullups now (one at a time, but still, I can do pullups!)

Damm has also experienced success. He's down to 183 from somewhere in the 190s. He lost a lot of that by going to training this summer but he's kept it off this time rather than gaining it back once he returned to a more normal setting.

You might remember that we did Insanity a couple years ago. It was another time of pretty cool transformation. At the end of it I weight 130, waist was 29.5" and hips 34.5". This time I got there through diet alone, and I must say, it's been an easier journey. No burnout at the end:)

Have a great weekend!


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