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On Swimming and other things including comma abuse.

I am what is classified as a "weak" swimmer. I can just barely... with patience... do that frog like swim from one end to the other of a 25 meter pool. Then I have to rest before I try to go back.

In ACU's(the army camo uniform) I get to change it from the frog like swim to the dog paddle... and I have to stop every so often to control my breathing.

So today after our training I stayed a bit extra to put in 20 min doing laps. This consisted of a grand total of ... get ready... 4 laps. I did 2 laps(100m) with a floaty thing holding up my chest/arms and using my legs only. Then I did 2 more with a floaty thingy holding up my legs and just using my arms. Then I got out.... and tried not to throw up. Then I walked around campus and ate breakfast with Wulfa and explained loudly and repeatedly that I was very tired now and wanted to go sleepy.

My buddy, who is an experienced medic and working on his nursing degree, which I don't suppose you really needed to know but it helps paint him, oh and he's ESL but his last name really isn't and it always surprises me when he speaks Spanish, on and ESL isn't me dogging him its to explain that he's ridiculously fluent in both, and anyways... he was doing 210-220 like me before last semester and in combination with his other workouts he added two days swimming laps and was up at 270 before he tried to wreck a moving car with his chest, he's okay though don't worry, the car drove off though, yeah anyways....

The point is SWIMMING IS HARD.

The other point is... its fun and you don't stink like sweat afterwards.

The other other point is... you don't feel like you are killing yourself because you are too distracted by the copious amounts of chlorine water that you are trying to breath because you can't efficiently keep your mouth up high.

I haven't played WoW this week at all. Too much to do. Spent this last weekend getting my passport updated and doing online training for stuff. Now I'm slightly behind on homework because I also spent all day tuesday skipping class on the passport stuff. Fortunately one of my classes was just a review of binary, hex, octal in preperation for machine level junk later. My other class the teacher hates computers so I really don't know what I missed.


But not as urgent as my letters made it seem.

I need/want to pick a masters degree to start doing in 2014... it has to be doable completely online and needs to complement an Electrical Engineering degree. The reason for this is that I plan to go career army and expect that like most army types I'll be moving at least every two years with deployments regularly. So I don't imagine I will really have an opportunity to get my masters via regular classes. And I don't want to just swap over to a non-engineering field. Anyways, its a bit early but I like to plan way ahead so I can change my mind a few times before hand. The only thoughts I had for this was a Masters in Mathmatics or a place like this but I know a few of you are engineers and might have better suggestions.

Right now I'm not far enough along to really pick a specialty that I'm interested(aka Power, or optics or what have you).


Kaelynn said…
Any interest at all in the computer side of things? Computer Engineering is a great complement to electrical engineering. I think I heard some nice things about Purdue's online masters degree
Dammerung said…
Have been on occasion Kae and am sure I'll be again.

Right now I really don't know what I like. Or I like too much to decide. I'm not sure.

Thanks for the link, though.
Phil said…
I haven't looked lately, but when I was at Boeing a lot of people did an an online engineering program at SMU. You do have to go there in person a few times, but it was pretty mild from what I remember. USC also had an online engineering/mba program that I heard good things about.

But yeah, until you hit upper division stuff you're not going to be able to get a good feel for what you're interested in. Usually you get a pretty broad array of stuff at that point, with circuits, vlsi, digital design, DSP, communications, embedded systems, controls, etc.
scott said…
A lot of engineers get MBA's. Especially if you have management aspirations; an MBA will raise the glass ceiling a little.

In my mind, management is in the 'careful what you wish for' department, but you might like it.

Electromechanics might be good too, if there is such a thing. Actuators and motors and stuff.

It is probably going to be tough to know what will be a good fit for you at this point though.

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