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I was not prepared.

Today we were driving in the car, listening to music. Or rather, searching for a suitable song to listen to. After not finding any, I turned the radio off amid protests from the Orclette. I explained to her that I couldn't find any "good" songs. She replied, and I quote: "Momma, I like bad songs".

Immediately I thought of her future years when boys would become tempting. Was this going to be a habit of liking "bad"? How could I prevent this?

Then I came up with my solution. Damm has been wanting me to learn how to shoot a gun, and also to buy me one. What if, the first time Orclette brings her eventual boyfriend over, both Damm and myself have guns to hand? You know, the terrifying dad but twice as terrifying. Make that boy run for the woods.

Then again, I'm probably reading way too much into her statement. She likes to contradict whatever I say, and most likely that was her motivation.

I am not looking forward to the teenage years.


Patrick said…
Yeah, we don't have kids yet, but when we do (I'm convinced one of them will be a girl) I plan to buy a gun for specifically this reason. First time a boy comes over, I will be cleaning my gun. It's a parent's right to put the fear of God in them, right?
Beowulfa said…
Absolutely. Totally agree:)
Mania said…
My mother tried that. I foiled her, though - my first boyfriend was a gun nut.
Patrick said…
See, but that's where you channel Bill Engvall. He had a great bit that went something like, "See that girl over there? She's my only little girl, man. So before you get any ideas about holding hands or hugging or kissing, keep one thing in mind. I've got not problems going BACK to prison."
klaki said…
And it starts.... I have a little cousin who I have been around since she was 4. She started so innocent, but now (she's 13) she is the image of everything I would worry about if I had a daughter. Listening to nasty music. Worried more about how she looks and what she has than anything else. Defiant to a point that if she was my daughter, I might call CPS on me. lol.... anyway. Children are growing up with all these new influences around them. Television has gotten worse. Shows now may be nice and humble like Dora, but wait 5 years when they want to watch MTV Jersey Shore type shows. The internet is bad influences on demand. I can't tell you how many times I've heard "Did you see that video on YouTube where..." followed by something very inappropriate for a child. I don't have kids of my own, but when I'm blessed with one, I'll be scared the whole time.
Beowulfa said…
A nunnery sounds good right about now (joking, not really serious:). And yeah, my whole gun idea would backfire it the dude actually liked guns. I like what Bill Engvall said. And we don't have cable, and I'm thinking we will never need to get it again. Too many bad influences.
Dammerung said…
I've always thought it would be far more effective to have a whole bunch of wires and explosives laid out on the table and explain: "Yeah, I'm an Army Combat Engineer.... I make bombs out of improvised devices for a living. Why bother with guns when you can take out a city block to get the scumbag you are after?"

Or something like that. I've got about ten years to perfect the delivery.

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