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The Death Knell. I think.

My WoW account has been hacked. I didn't discover that til last night (thanks, Kaelynn:) and Damm immediately commenced damage control. I had to hit the sack-work this morning, not as young as I used to be, can't stay up late-so I'm not sure what happened. More details later.

This may have been a sign. I rarely play, although I just got Beowulfa, my shadow priest, into the Netherwing dailies. I like doing the Netherwing dailies. I enjoy the guild we're a part of, who don't mind if we only log on every couple of weeks or so. With my job and INSANITY I'm consistently getting up early which means no staying up to play.

Bah I don't know. I want to play when Cataclysm comes out. But I'm not sure I want to see what damage was wrought on Wulfa. Thank goodness none of my toons had money-I had just spent 5,000 gold on getting fast flying for Beowulfa. I know they can reinstate everything. But it would've made me mad if that person who stole my characters had been able to use it.

And it's partly our fault. Our passwords weren't strong enough, and we hadn't been playing enough to justify-we thought-getting one of those account identifier thingies. We'll be changing that.

I don't think I'll permanently stop playing. I firmly believe couples should cultivate new habits with each other but they also should take some time to learn and enjoy the others' interests. Damm loves video games. I'm not a big fan, but I do like playing WoW. I don't want to give up the game that tenuously connects me to his gaming world. And I'd miss Wulfa and Beo. And all my pets. Even if they are only pixels on the screen.

So there you have it. I wish one of my pets was real so I could send them after the dude/dudette who hacked my account. Sigh.


Rusty said…
Sometimes, I wonder if I would quit forever upon getting hacked.

Then again, the challenge of getting back to the level I once was could be interesting also. The "I arise from being naked and alone to rebuild my empire" type challenge.

...or not.

Dammerung said…
Wulfa's password is fixed now but her account is suspended :(

Waiting to see the damage.
bo-breaze said…
So how did he manage to pull you into playing wow ? Just wondering.

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